Hi Admins,
I am facing a problem related to Sendmail ( ver 8.8.8.). The sendmail
daemon is giving me error as connection refused. When I tried to telnet
from my mail server ( 4.0E) as
telnet 25 it gives me connection refused.
When I see a sendmail process in the server it shows me
After every 1 hour , system accepts the mail from the mail server on
that instance it shows me
sendmail:accepting.Also I am getting this message when the sendmail is
in running condition.
# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 AS8400 ESMTP Sendmail 8.8.8 ( Sat, 29 Sep
2001 12:54)
My question :- Is there any paramter that I need to set so that sendmail
should accept connection Continously in the background. Is it related to
sendmail.cf that I need to check.It should no refused the connection at
any point of time.
Please help me..
Thanks in advance
Received on Sat Sep 29 2001 - 07:27:11 NZST