I had a lot of responses to my question and I also was told about a
book called Unix for Open VMS Users - I have since ordered a copy of this
book . The response that did the trick was from Mike Mehall:
The way that permission work on UNIX is this: If you have an account on
different machines, unless the UID * is the same on both machines, when you
transfer files between the two, (depending on the tool used: cp, ftp, etc.)
the ownership will change to that of the target machine! You will have to
check this by running the following command on both machines:
grep minkov /etc/passwd
You will get output that will look something like this:
minlov:*:7027:15:First_Name MI
The key field is field 3 (the one that says 7027). If this is not the same
on both machines, that could very well be your problem. If you have root
the other box, you can keep the users "in sync" by making sure that the
UID's all match on the two machines (a horrible administration nightmare if
not done from the start!). If you need to change any UIDS, please make
that you don't have duplicates or that you are changing any system accounts
that need the UID to stay what it is! I hope this helps.
Initial Question:
I am trying to get the permissions setup correctly for my users and it is
really confusing. I am a total OpenVMS person who was thrown into
administering a Tru64 Unix server so I am learning UNIX rather quickly
(trying to shall I say). I have a user who is creating a file within her
user directory and then she moves it over to another directory. When she
tries to use it in the directory she moved it to, she does not have access
to it. This is how her user directory looks (minkov):
drwxr-xr-x 4 minkov user 8192 Oct 1 2001 minkov
This is the file she created within her directory:
-rw------- 1 minkov user 236496 Oct 1 2001 sh01961m
When she moves it over, it does keep the same permissions - except for the
owner - it changes the owner to system?? When she tries to access it, she
gets access denied.
Received on Tue Oct 02 2001 - 14:16:43 NZST