[final summary] h or script to kill old ftp processes

From: Oyanarte Portilho <portilho_at_fis.unb.br>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 17:52:07 -0300 (EST)

Hi Gurus,

Thanks to Joerg Bruehe for calling my attention to potential problems
in the script I summarized two days ago. Since the ps axu|grep ftp
output (in Tru64 Unix 5.0a) contains lines that start with "ftp" and
end with "(ftpd)" it is safer to ask grep to find these two matches,
in order to prevent any confusion with other processes (maybe from some
user who has the string "ftp" in his/her username or in other instances)
that should not be killed. So, I have substituted

        grep ftp


        grep '^ftp.*ftpd)$'

and the script final (?) form is the following:


for PROID in `ps aux | grep '^ftp.*ftpd)$' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
PHOUR=`ps -fp ${PROID} | awk '{print $5}'|cut -d":" -f1|cut -d "E" -f2`
CHOUR=`date +"%H"`
LIMIT=`expr 8`
if [ ${CHOUR} -lt ${PHOUR} ]
    ELAPSED=`expr 24 - ${PHOUR} + ${CHOUR}`
    ELAPSED=`expr ${CHOUR} - ${PHOUR}`
if [ ${ELAPSED} -gt ${LIMIT} ]
    kill -9 ${PROID}


Best wishes,

        Oyanarte Portilho
        Institute of Physics
        University of Brasilia, Brazil
Received on Mon Oct 08 2001 - 20:50:46 NZDT

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