Hi all!
Running tru64 v5.0.
I was installing oracle 9iAS (on a NT -machine using a DB-instnace on the
unix machine as repository DB). The installation aborted with a ora-03113:
end of communication channel. When trying to access logfiles on the tru64
macine i get "Bus error" in my telnet sessions (that still are open), when
trying to change directory i get permission denied...
I am running advfs on the machine (connected to a RA8000) wich seems to work
fine (other machines connected to the same RA8000 is up and running)
This is my first "disasterous" failure.... so i'm quite "chocked" and kind
of out of ideas what to do....
There is 3 oracle dbs running on the machine wich I would hate to crash...
Received on Tue Oct 16 2001 - 18:14:00 NZDT