SUMMARY: Copying passwords (C2) from 4.0f to 5.1

From: Mehall, Michael R. <>
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 11:26:29 -0400

        Thanks go out to my two respondents who both "hit the nail on the
head": Robert Fridman and Ann Majeske! My problem was unique because I did
some things that made it worse for myself before I contacted the list and
got the right answer so, here is my original post { within braces } followed
by the solution:

{{{ Hello Tru Gurus!,
        I have a system running 4.0f with C2 Security enabled (No NIS) and I
want to migrate all of the users to a new server that is running 5.1 with C2
Security enabled (No NIS). I found this message in the archives but it
doesn't quite fit:


        When I followed the instructions ( copy /etc/passwd, /etc/groups,
/var/tcb/files/auth.db, and /tcb/files/auth tree, run mkpasswd and authck -a
) and tried to log in as myself, I get the following error message:

Last login: Wed Oct 24 14:04:14 EDT 2001 from hostname.domainname
No directory!

[hostname:23: remote disconnect]

        I have verified that the user home directories exist. Is the
problem caused by going from a 4.0f server to a 5.1 server? Thanks in
advance! }}}

        The suggestion was to do an edauth -g > some_filename on the 4.0f
system and then ftp the file to the 5.1 system and do an edauth -s <
some_filename. This worked like a charm!

        CAUTION: For those of you searching the archives for solutions: If
move files around before seeing this posting, make sure to put all of the
system files back as they were in the first place before trying this
procedure (especially the auth.db file)!! If you don't, you can possibly
cause irreparable corruption to your password database!!

Mike Mehall
SAP Basis Team
Northrop Grumman Corp.
Received on Fri Oct 26 2001 - 15:27:26 NZDT

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