I tried to keep my email short and not write a book describing my problem.
In doing so most of the replies centered on the cleaning tape being the
problem. However, the original problem was that the drive would do backups
fine and then it would refuse to do backups. The first 2 times I had just
done a restore and then it refused to do backups again. The first time the
leader came off, I now remember, I put in a SuperDLT tape and the leader
came off. That tape was ruined and had to be replaced. The next 2 times it
happened to be the cleaning tape. It seems to me that whatever the next
tape you put in would cause the leader to come off, but I can't prove it at
this time. The third time, I had problems, I did a backup over the weekend
just fine and then on Monday it refused to do backups.
Compaq was here yesterday and gave me a new tape drive. Things didn't go
well and several processes got hung and I couldn't kill them. In order to
get rid of them I tried a reboot and then the system refused to boot until
I turned off the tape drive. I know the scsi id was the same as the drive
we replaced, we checked that. So, Compaq will be backup today with another
tape drive. I'll let you know what happens.
Original question:
>We got a new Alphaserver DS20e, running Tru64-UNIX v5.1, over the summer.
IT has a tabletop >SuperDLT 110/220 tape drive for backup. In the last
month or so I have placed 3 service calls on >it. Each time it seemed to go
out to lunch and forget how to backup. Each time I tried to use a >cleaning
tape in case that was the problem and each time the leader came off. Is
there a known >issue of some kind with drive? Personally I don't think this
SuperDLT is so SUPER.
Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College
email: crittend_at_simpson.edu
Phone: (515)961-1680
Cheerfulness is contagious, but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a
Received on Wed Dec 05 2001 - 15:41:18 NZDT