Summary: Samba and Tru64 unix and Backupexec

From: Jim Kurtenbach <>
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 09:14:34 -0600

The following is a short summary of some very good responses.

I didn't mention this, but we really need to get an enterprise
backup/restore solution. I just hate to manage all these standalone tape
libraries and rotation. This was just my attempt to get Unix into my
Backupexec system on the cheap.

The general opinion is that this might work, but would probably end up being
a pain in the posterior.

The real hangup as I see it is that in a major recovery, I would need tru64
installed, then samba installed before I could start the recovery of backup

As a result, I will probably not implement this, but will continue to play
with it.

However, all is not lost!! I am going to try the following: I am going
to install some NFS client software on Backupexec server, nfsmount the tru64
drive with the cold backup on the NT server and see if that will work.
I'll keep everyone posted if I'm successful.

Thanks to all who contributed (Colin Bull, Joe Fletcher, Udo de Boer, and

James Kurtenbach
MIS Department
Clinical Reference Laboratory
8433 Quivira
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
(913) 492-3652 x1651 <>

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jim Kurtenbach
        Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 8:55 AM
        Cc: Jeff Mitchell
        Subject: Samba and Tru64 unix

        Greetings all!

        I'd like to get some opinions on this.

        We are setting up an Oracle database to do a cold backup. We them
want to use our Enterprise Backup system (BackupExec) along with Samba to
backup the files.

        We've got a test system setup and running, but the real question
with backups is on the restore side (Would this be a reliable way to do it)?

        As usual, thanks in advance.

        James Kurtenbach
        MIS Department
        Clinical Reference Laboratory
        8433 Quivira
        Lenexa, Kansas 66215
        (913) 492-3652 x1651 <>

Received on Wed Dec 05 2001 - 15:35:23 NZDT

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