Me again,
Quick fix after a search was the clu_alias.config file - I copied back the
.bak version for each cluster member in the correct cluster directory and
everything went back to normal.
Thanks all for the response, especially Dr. Blinn...
-----Original Message-----
From: McGuinness Todd []
Sent: vendredi, 4. janvier 2002 15:38
To: Tru64-Unix-Managers_at_Ornl. Gov (E-mail)
Subject: Trucluster aliasd not starting
Hello All and Happy New Year,
Just a quick question, I am having a little problem with Trucluster
Aliasing. For some reason my default alias dis-appeared? Or some deleted it
and I get the following errors when I try to run the clu_alias start
aliasd_niff: can't allocate memory for addrlist structure for interface mc0:
Invalid argument
I receive the following errors in my current daemon log:
Jan 4 xxxxxxx smsred02 cluserver_statd[pid]: rpc.statd(cluster server):
clua_getdefaultalias failed: No default alias defined
Jan 4 xxxxxxx smsred02 cluserver_lockd[pid]: set_bindclualias:
clua_getdefaultalias failed: No default alias defined
Anyone have any quick suggestions on how to re-implement the default alias?
Todd M. McGuinness
Systems Engineer
Kudelski Group
Tel. : +41 21 732 03 11
Direct: +41 21 732 0623
Fax : +41 21 732 03 00
E-mail :
Received on Fri Jan 04 2002 - 15:15:19 NZDT