SUMMARY: HSG-80 disk visability problems...

From: McGuinness Todd <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:03:01 +0100

Thanks everyone for the response. It seems that I was being far too GUI
focused after using and getting used to 5.1, going back to 4.0g made me
forget that you need to zero out the disklabel before trying to read it
with DISKCONFIG. So there were no problems, I saw the physical drives but
didn't see the correct size. I zeroed the label. Opened DISKCONFIG again
and I saw everything clearly.


Todd M. McGuinness
Systems Engineer
Kudelski Group
Tel. : +41 21 732 03 11
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Mark Holzer []
Sent: samedi, 19. janvier 2002 19:47
To: 'McGuinness Todd'
Subject: RE: HSG-80 disk visability problems...

Hi Todd,

        not sure you've got an answer yet but a wild guess would be that
        eventually added the units on the HSG80 in an address range 4.0G
        won't see (remember V4.0 of Tru64 only supports/"sees" 8 targets
        and 8 LUNs on each target).

- Jan
Received on Mon Jan 21 2002 - 08:03:34 NZDT

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