Multiple tu adapters

From: Horsnell T. <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 15:57:56 +0000 (GMT)

Hi again Managers,

ES40, TU64 V5.0a PK3

We have 4 ethernet ports on our ES40 (courtsey dual-port
SCSI + ethernet adapters) of which I'm using one (tu0).

I thought I'd try using one of the others to support
boot-loading of a number of diskless Linux boxes,
so I set up an ip addr and name in the DNS and
ifconfig'd tu1 appropriately.

I told dhcp to listen only on tu1 and tried booting the
diskless boxes. All went well, the diskless boxes happily
booted via the second ethernet port, and continued
to use that port for mounting their root partitions
and so on.

However, after about 30 mins, NFS began to go haywire
and I also noticed that the ES40 appeared twice on
my Xterminal chooser menus, once with its main hostname
and once with the ip name of the second ethernet adapter,
even though the Xaccess file wasnt using broadcast, but
was instead using a fixed list of hostnames.

I had hoped that the machine would behave as two
independent hosts as far as network access was
concerned, but it looked as if either adapter
was being used for NFS, and since the ip name
of the second adapter didnt appear in the exports file,
those NFS accesses using it were getting 'permission denied'.

I dont want full load-sharing across these (I believe this
will be available in 5.1a), but rather I want a dedicated
adapter to be used for the diskless hosts so that we can
maintain a fast response to these even if the other
adapter is loaded (we have a switched network so
it can cope with an aggregate load greater that a
single adapter's worth).

'ifconfig tu1 down' was not sufficient to repair the
damage and I had to reboot, so experimentation was
not really an option.

Should such a thing be possible, or am I off my trolley here?

As a supplementary, is it possible to determine whether
all available nfsd threads are busy and that NFS response
would benefit by increasing their number?
I'd rather not have to 'tweak and reboot' to try this.


Terry Horsnell (
I.T. Manager
Medical Research Council
Lab of Molecular Biology
Hills Road
Phone: +44 (0)1223 248011
Fax: +44 (0)1223 213556
Received on Tue Jan 22 2002 - 16:18:05 NZDT

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