SUMMARY - Refurbished/Used Servers - Need Vendor Recommendations

From: Notari, Ed <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 14:47:38 -0500


The following three companies had two or more references from my previous
posting (see below). I requested quotes from each of them based on
identical hardware configurations (DS20E and ES40) and each was very
responsive and willing to work with me. The hardware quotes varied;

Mean=$13,227, S.D.=2,166, Min=$10,810, Max=$14,992

Mean=$18,867, S.D.=1,241, Min=$17,650, Max=$20,130

However the Annual Service Contract quotes where very close to each other.

When, and if, my budget requests are approved (July, 2002) I will ask each
of them to re-quote the final hardware configuration.

NA Technologies (
CPU Options (
Great Lakes Solutions (

The following companies had one recommendation each and I did not have the
opportunity to contact them for quotes. However, to be fair I wanted to
note them anyway.

Avnet (
Island Company (
Frontier Computer Corporation(
Gemini Digital
Compaq ? - Curiously!

Thanks to all who responded. I hope this summary helps. If you have any
further questions about my interactions with NA Technologies, CPU Options,
or Great Lakes Solutions or about the hardware configurations that where up
for bid please e-mail me at the following address;

============== ORIGINAL POST =================

From:Notari, Ed []
Subject:Refurbished/Used Servers - Need Vendor Recommendations


I have been tasked with getting server pricing for our next fiscal year's
budget. I would like to get a server to replace a PC164LX (Alpha 533MHz
21164 clone system) that has been chugging along for 3 years now
(Outstanding!). I would like to get a DS10/20 or ES40. CPU speed is not
very important. BUS speed is of tantamount importance as my utilization
tends to be very large sequential I/O processing. As my budget will be VERY
tight, the only way to get performance will be to find used or refurb
equipment unless someone out there can suggest other alternatives. Another
consideration will be the price and availability of service

Can anyone recommend vendors for this purpose? Do you have any Wonderful or
Horrifying stories? If you are a vendor please state as much, all input
will be considered. For SUMMARY purposes please state whether or not you
wish to remain anonymous.


Ed Notari
Received on Wed Jan 23 2002 - 19:47:58 NZDT

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