VFS trap.

From: Tru unix user <tru64user_2001_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 08:26:26 -0800 (PST)

Hi All,

I have a programming query. I need to trap 'ls'
command, so that it should always display files from a
specified directory, rather than from the default
current directory.

In other words..

# pwd
# /
# ls
Here issuing 'ls' command should not give me the
contents from the current directory, but from the
other directory say "/usr/users/user1".
I don't want to issue "ls /usr/users/user1" command to
get this list.

Is it some thing to do with VFS. How do I do it?
Which system calls I need to use to do this?


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Received on Thu Jan 31 2002 - 16:26:34 NZDT

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