Is anyone aware of any bugs in ps with the above release?
I run a routine every night that first checks to make sure that another
instance of itself is not running.
Just occasionally, it seems to detect and kill itself, any ideas?
== snip
ps -eo pid,command > $LOGS_DIR/pid.log
ps -ef > $LOGS_DIR/process.log
PROGNAME=`basename $0`
echo "This is the id for the cntrl script $$" >> pid1.log
echo "\nShould not beable to find in the info below\n" >>
ps -eo pid,command|grep -v grep|grep -v $SPID >> $LOGS_DIR/pid1.log
SCOUNT=`ps -eo pid,command|grep -v grep|grep -v $SPID|grep -c $PROGNAME`
if [ $SCOUNT -gt 0 ] ; then
echo "`basename $0` Process already running. Aborting run. Fail _at_ `date`"
exit 1
== snip
Kind regards
Lawrie Smith
Capita Technical Services
West Malling
Tel: 01732 877266
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