SUMMARY multiple tape devices

From: <>
Date: Sat, 02 Mar 2002 15:49:14 +0000

thank you to all who responded!

the majority of replies said to use 'dn_setup -init' before the 'dsfmgr
-K'. i saw that dn_setup was used in the archived posts. i tried to look
at the man page before i used it but do not have one so assumed (emphasis
on ass) that for whatever reason the command wasn't present and skipped
that detail. well, the script is present and the following sequence of
commands looks to have worked.

hwmgr -delete component -id XX
hwmgr -refresh component
dn_setup -init
dsfmgr -K

thank you again to all who replied.

original problem

after replacing a tz88 drive in an alphaserver 4100 running v5.1 i noticed
new tape device files being built on boot. so now i have /dev/tape/tape1_*
along with tape0_*. since i only have the one drive i wanted to get
everything back to just tape0 device files. i found several posts in the
archives suggesting to use dsfmgr -m tape1 tape0 or
dsfmgr -e tape1 tape0

the former returns
dsfmgr: ERROR: second device status is active: tape0

and the latter returns
dsfmgr: ERROR: find device node tape0 : Device record not found in status
dsfmgr: ERROR exchange failed: Device record not found in status database

there were also suggestions for using hwmgr.
hwmgr -delete component -id 47
      returned delete operation successful

hwmgr -refresh component
      also returned successful

dsfmgr -K
      this returned nothing

these i tried to no avail and after two more reboots i am now at device
files of tape3_*. also interesting is that hwmgr shows a rogue tape
device with hardware id of 0.
# hwmgr -show scsi

               SCSI DEVICE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    0: 3 dec4100 tape none 0
1 (null)
   42: 0 dec4100 cdrom none 0
1 cdrom0 [0/5/0]
   43: 1 dec4100 disk none 2
1 dsk0 [1/0/0]
   44: 2 dec4100 disk none 2
1 dsk1 [1/1/0]
   45: 4 dec4100 disk none 2
1 dsk2 [1/5/0]
   46: 5 dec4100 disk none 2
1 dsk3 [1/6/0]
   63: 6 dec4100 tape none 0
1 tape3 [1/4/0]

do you have any other suggestions for things to try? or are my two choices
a) live with it or b) rebuild?
Received on Sat Mar 02 2002 - 15:52:29 NZDT

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