As Mr. Blinn suggested, the problem was that network is not configured
during postreboot.. This means that the network needs to be set up in the
script. No problem, but I get the feeling that manuals can't be trusted
(can they ever... =)
_______________/Timo Aaltonen <>
Work: HUT-Computing Centre - UNIX, GSM +358-40-5549 618
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 18:23:47 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Timo Aaltonen <>
Subject: 5.1A: postreboot and setld
I have no clue why I can't use setld in postreboot as the example in
"Installation Guide - Advanced Topics" does. It says something like
"setld: Error contacting server machine: machine: unknown host", although
/etc/hosts has an entry of the server. After this phase (kernel build &
reboot remaining) it does work, but I have to do it manually... which is
suboptimal, of course.
ps. I tried to hack the installation system to use ssh/scp and got quite
far, but in the end I had to give it up... sysman is way too complex for
me =)
_______________/Timo Aaltonen <>
Work: HUT-Computing Centre - UNIX, GSM +358-40-5549 618
Received on Wed Jun 12 2002 - 11:26:52 NZST