SUMMARY: Searching for new files?

From: Tom Linden <>
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2002 08:24:50 -0700

A number of responses all based on, find.

Original Question

>> Does anyone ahave a method to find all files
>> modified or created since or before a certain
>> date?

>The easiest way to find all the file that are newer than a certain date is
>to touch a file using the -t option to set the date/time and then use the
>find command. For example to find all the file that are newer than
>9:29pm on
>the 1st September, use the following commands:
>touch -t 09012119 timestamp_file
>find /path -newer timestamp_file
>By adding the -type option, the find command can be limited to files, link,
>directories, etc.
>If you wish to find files that are older than that date/time, use the
>find /path ! -newer timestamp_file
>Hope this helps,
>Michael Bradford

and from Gavin Kreuiter []

Two ways, both using find:

If you want files newer than a number of days, use:

        find / -type f -mtime -NUMBER

Where NUMBER is the number of 24-houtr periods. For example, finding
all files modified in the last 48 hours:
        find / -type f -mtime -2

Alteratively, use "touch" and the -newer option of find:

        touch -t 200112312359 ref
        find / -type f -newer ref
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