SUMMARY: Open Relay Sendmail on 5.1A?

From: Tom Linden <>
Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2002 08:51:07 -0700

 Below is the original post with some responses, which ranged from
stopping it running as a demon to removing it, certainly takes care of
the open-relay problem. However, if you wanted to run as a POP server
you would need to allow a one-hop relay from known IP. I didn't look
into this, but maybe someone who has can add an ADDENDUM.

I installed 5.1A this past week and didn't do a lot of custom
 configuring, but I discovered this morning numerous returned mail
 messages stem from use of this machine as an open relay. Firstly,
 I am a bit astonished that 5.1a ships with this feature turned on.
 In this day and age you would think that you should have to take an
 overt action to turn it on!

 In any event, I just killed the sendmail process, since I run smtp
 on OpenVMS and don't need it here, but for reference, how do I turn
 it off, so I won't have this problem again when I reboot?

>Tru64 Sendmail comes default with relay on. You can do too things, make
>your server a client (man mailsetup) and turn sendmail off, or contact
>HP or your support contact and get the patch to turn off Relay.
>Finally, you can download sendmail (see for details) and
>use their or use their sendmail distro. You could also use
Remove or rename the files that start it, probably:


When the system starts up and goes multiuser, level 3, it runs
everything in /sbin/rc3.d that starts with an S.

        - Jerry Berkman, UC Berkeley

I had the same problem :-(

Go to /sbin/rc3.d and either rm or mv the Sxxsendamil entry
where xx is a two digit number.
James W. Caldwell []

init-scripts are in /sbin/init.d, either move the link in /sbin/rc3.d
or the script itself away.

FYI, there are a lot of other daemons that are probably unneeded. see the
list archives
Timo Aaltonen []

mv /sbin/rc3.d/S40sendmail /sbin/rc3.d/T40sendmail
will stop it from starting up as a daemon, but still allow it to
send messages. If you're the paranoid sort just chmod 000
Lucas Carey []

   What we do here is turn off sendmail from accepting incoming
   SMTP connections. In /sbin/init.d/sendmail file, we remove the
   -bd option so that sendmail is startup as follows:

         nohup $SBIN/sendmail -q15m ${ARGS} 2> /dev/null &

   This allows mail to go out from this system, but no mail is
   accepted. Works for us.
A. Mahendra Rajah [Mahendra.Rajah_at_URegina.CA]

Tru64 has always been behind the curve with independent internet app

Upon OS installation, I always grab the latest sendmail source. I have
step-by-step directions for 8.12.5 if you need them.

Relaying is turned off by default in 8.11 and 8.12 (and I *think* 8.10).
J Bacher []

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