Hello Tru64-Unix-Managers,
We have DS20E with 2 embedded SCSI controllers (Adaptec AIC-7895).
Our OS is Tru64Unix 4.0F. I need to install one DAT drive DDS3
20/40MB. On SRM prompt everything is OK. I can see the DAT drive like
mkb500. But when we boot Tru64 Unix i can see the device,
scu show edt don't show me anything. Some people told me that
COMPAQ say that it's impossible to connect DAT with Embedded SCSI.
Is that true? Are there any solution. I try to boot with genvmunix but
nothing happens again.
Best regards,
Mihail mailto:mstoev_at_negova.bg
Received on Tue Nov 12 2002 - 15:24:22 NZDT