SUMMARY: handle advfs filesets with autofs ?

From: Udo Grabowski <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 13:23:43 +0100

Thanks to Dr.Blinn for his response.

autofs on TruCluster is much more restrictive than, e.g.,
the Solaris pendant (which can handle things much more
universal, and also can mount local filesystems via the
loopback device, deciding itself when this has to be done),
it's only designed to handle NFS filesytems. The main reasons
for this seem to be the complications with the CFS.

Here's the complete answer :

You seem to be confusing "autofs" with something that would work
on local file systems. As it says in the reference page:

   The autofsd daemon automatically and transparently mounts and
   unmounts NFS file systems on an as-needed basis.

Nothing about local file systems. In a TruCluster system, you
MUST mount all your LOCAL file systems (which will presumably
all be AdvFS file systems) through /etc/fstab ; there is magic
to assure that they get mounted as local file systems on only
one cluster member, which then serves them via CFS to all the
other members ("autofs" is NOT involved in this magic). (In the
next release, V5.1B, you can mount UFS file systems read/write
on one member, and they are then mounted read-only on the other
members through the magic of CFS.)

As for changing the behavior of ANY of this stuff in any major
way, forget about it. It is never going to happen. All of the
people who would have had to be involved (the ones who REALLY
understand all the pieces and how they inter-relate) are off
working on porting TruCluster functionality to HP-UX, they are
not available to make large functional changes in the TruCluster
product on Tru64 UNIX on Alpha, and in any case, the V5.1B
release is "done" (if not yet delivered), and a change of this
nature would have to be in a release, not a patch kit, and we
don't yet have a firm plan for when (if ever) there will be a
real release where (if you could figure out how to do it) you
could make such a change.
Dr. Udo Grabowski                           email:
Institut f. Meteorologie und Klimaforschung II, Forschungszentrum Karslruhe
Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany           Tel: (+49) 7247 82-6026           Fax:         "    -6141
Received on Fri Nov 15 2002 - 12:24:41 NZDT

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