SUMMARY: Disabling specific ports/services

From: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:17:42 -0500

Many thanks to Dan G., Joseph S. & Martin A., all of whom
said "use lsof", which I've downloaded, installed, and
used to find out most of what I needed to know.

When looking for specific port numbers this command
was most useful:

# lsof -i :<port number>

Thanks guys & have a great new year.

Original post:
I need to disable some ports on my V5.1A box, but I'm having difficulty
finding which daemons use them.

I have searched the /etc/inetd.conf, /etc/services & /etc/rpc files and
cannot find which daemons/processes use the following ports & svcs:

316 decauth
596 smsd
1024 kdm
1029 in-command
2301 cpq-wbem
2840 l3-exprt
3354 suitjd
3457 vat-control
3459 integral

So my questions are:

1. How do I determine which daemons/processes are using these ports?

2. How do I disable them?
(I'm guessing when #1 is answered, I can figure out #2)

3. Where are these documented???? (So I can figure out what will break
when I disable them.)
Received on Fri Dec 27 2002 - 21:18:36 NZDT

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