Based on some of the responses I've received, I don't think I
adequately described the problem before.
Imagine, if you will, that I choose to install the OS on bus 3,
target 0. This is what it looks like to 4.0f:
OSF1 quack_at_DJG:/ # scu show edt
CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:
Device: RZ29B Bus: 0, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28M Bus: 0, Target: 1, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28M Bus: 0, Target: 2, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28 Bus: 0, Target: 3, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: TLZ06 Bus: 0, Target: 5, Lun: 0, Type: Sequential Access
Device: HP35480A !C Bus: 0, Target: 6, Lun: 0, Type: Sequential
Device: RZ28M Bus: 1, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28M Bus: 1, Target: 1, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28M Bus: 1, Target: 2, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28D Bus: 1, Target: 3, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ2DD-LS Bus: 2, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ2DD-LS Bus: 2, Target: 2, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28D Bus: 2, Target: 5, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: RZ28D Bus: 2, Target: 6, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: ST34501W Bus: 3, Target: 0, Lun: 0, Type: Direct Access
Device: CDRM00203 Bus: 3, Target: 5, Lun: 0, Type: Read-Only Direct
In this case, the drive I want to install on is rz24, so I count
disks and determine that it is going to be dsk12 on 5.1a, so I hope! I set
up my install.cdf file to install on dsk12, but when the install runs, what
happens if 5.1a renumbers the buses? (And it has happened)
For instance, what was bus 2 now becomes bus 3 under 5.1a, and vice
versa. It then installs onto dsk12, which would be what used to be drive
rz16, and perhaps writes over my data. I don't know of any way to predict
what 5.1a is going to do as far as numbering the buses.
Thanks for any input
Denise McCracken
MiSys Healthcare Systems
(520) 570-2521
Received on Mon Dec 30 2002 - 22:26:15 NZDT