3590E11 tape

From: HAKAN YASTI <hakan.yasti_at_telsim.com.tr>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 12:23:45 +0200

Hi Admins,

I want to know , Is there anybody who able to use an IBM3590E11 tape device
with an Alpha server DS20.

I have the following configuration.What must I check ?

1-) Alpha server Compaq ds20 with OS V5.1A.
3-) 3590E11 IBM Tape drive with Fiber Connection. ( 2 port ; port0 and
port1 ). Connected to port0.

more /var/adm/messages/ (related with hba card.....)

vmunix: emx0 at pci0 slot 7
vmunix: KGPSA-CA : Driver Rev 2.05 : F/W Rev 3.81A4(2.01A0) : wwn
vmunix: emx0: Using console topology setting of : Fabric
vmunix: emx0: emx_linkup_timedout: link up timeout has expired
vmunix: scsi4 at emx0 slot 0 rad 0

# hwmgr -view dev
 HWID: Device Name Mfg Model Location

    3: /dev/scp_scsi
    4: /dev/kevm
   40: /dev/disk/floppy0c 3.5in floppy fdi0-unit-0
   47: /dev/disk/cdrom0c DEC RRD47 (C) DEC bus-0-targ-5-lun-0
   49: /dev/disk/dsk1c COMPAQ BA03611C9B bus-1-targ-0-lun-0
   51: /dev/ntape/tape0 DEC TLZ10 (C) DEC bus-0-targ-0-lun-0
   52: /dev/dmapi/dmapi

# scu show edt

CAM Equipment Device Table (EDT) Information:

    Bus/Target/Lun Device Type ANSI Vendor ID Product ID Revision
    -------------- ----------- ------ --------- ---------------- --------
     0    0    0   Sequential  SCSI-2 DEC       TLZ10    (C) DEC   04a8
     0    5    0   CD-ROM      SCSI-2 DEC       RRD47   (C) DEC    1206
     1    0    0   Direct      SCSI-2 COMPAQ    BA03611C9B         3B06
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