
From: Ballowe, Charles <CBallowe_at_usg.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:19:33 -0600

It looks like one of my ES40s lost a disk sometime between when it was last
booted and now. I'm getting "dka0. is not ready". The hardware
call has been placed and I'm waiting for the new disk to arrive. The disk
part of a 2 disk LSM mirror and was the primary boot device. The secondary
disk in that set will still boot the system.

What I want to know now is, what is the least painful way to fix the
Is volrecover the right command to look to? Will I need to write disk labels
or is that handled for me by some mechanism?


Charles Ballowe /"\
Unix System Administrator \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign
cballowe_at_usg.com X Against HTML Mail
x3896 / \
Received on Mon Jan 13 2003 - 18:19:57 NZDT

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