TruCluster and EMC CX600

From: Warren Sturm <>
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 21:19:49 -0700

Is anyone out there using TruCluster with EMC's CX600. We are having
some difficulty adding a second cluster member without the whole thing
coming crashing down about our heads. A single member cluster seems to
boot just fine but when the second member is added we get a whack of
quorum disk available/unavailable. It almost looks like a split cluster
is happening. The initial install disk is on the SAN and the ES40's are
set to boot from the SAN.

2 - ES40
Tru64 V5.1B PK1
4 - KGPSA-DA 3.82A1 (2 for each host)
2 - 16-port FC switches (brocade I think)

ES40-1-HBA0 ----------FCSW1---------- CX600-SPA
ES40-2-HBA0 -----------

ES40-1-HBA1 ----------FCSW2---------- CX600-SPB
ES40-2-HBA1 -----------

Thanks for any assistance/pointers.

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Received on Mon Feb 03 2003 - 04:20:31 NZDT

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