C2 password remote change

From: David Komanek <xdavid_at_lib.natur.cuni.cz>
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 08:01:53 +0100 (CET)

Dear admins,

I am trying to simplify the user's account management (about 3500 users in
heterogenous network). One of the problems I have is to explore the
possibility of changing tru64unix C2-security password without the need of
interactive logging to the shell. My idea is not to use a web-based
application on the server side. I would like to implment this as a
standalone application (which will serve various functions for various
accounts on various machines :-) Is it possible ? I think it should be
done using prpasswd daemon but not sure how to use it, because I found no
prorammer's API reference for this.

I am able to manipulate with prpasswd entries locally, so the only thing I
need is the way to communicate with C2 database remotely without the need
of writing my own special daemon listening on a privileged port.

Thanks in advance,

  David Komanek
  Charles University
  Faculty of Science
  CZ, Prague
Received on Mon Feb 03 2003 - 07:02:40 NZDT

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