Error message trying to edit ~negneg crontab (fwd)

From: Sylvain Robitaille <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 17:48:20 -0500 (EST)

This is a second attempt to send this. My first attempt failed with the
following bounce message:

   You recently sent a message to the tru64-unix-managers mailing list
   that appeared to be:

       A reply to a message someone else sent to the list

I'm assuming the list software determined this either because the
subject header contained the string "Re: " or the message contained an
"In-reply-to: " header. Either way, it was a false-positive. The
message was sent "To:" (with no Cc:).

Hopefully this copy makes it through...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 13:55:47 -0500
From: Sylvain Robitaille <>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.tru64
Subject: Re: Error message trying to edit ~negneg crontab

[ Please note: This message has been sent to both the Tru64 Unix
  Managers mailing list and the comp.unix.tru64 newsgroup; My apologies
  to those who will ultimately see multiple copies of the message. ]

This one has me quite stumped! :-(

First, the problem report:

A user on one of my Tru64-5.1a systems, when attempting to edit his
crontab file using "crontab -e", upon exitting the text editor, receives
the following error message:

   <ar/cluster/members/member0/tmp/aaaALNKlQ" 77L, 3224C written
   crontab: cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory.

It's important to know that cron.deny is empty except for comment lines
(it's the OS-original cron.deny file), and that there is no cron.allow
file, (in other words, all users should be permitted to use crontab to
edit cron files):

   : clyde[syl] ~; grep -v ^# /var/adm/cron/cron.deny

   : clyde[syl] ~; ls -l /var/adm/cron/cron.allow
   ls: /var/adm/cron/cron.allow not found

It's also important to know that other users on the system (myself, at
least one other "human" and at least one otherwise unprivileged account)
are able to use "crontab -e" to edit crontab files without any problem.

Root can edit the "problematic" user's crontab file with no problem.
The user himself, can list his crontab file ("crontab -l"), remove his
crontab file ("crontab -r"), and even replace his crontab file
("crontab /path/to/file"), but he cannot edit his crontab file
("crontab -e"; actually the problem occurs only after the editor exits,
at which point the "cannot create your crontab file ..." error is

The username contains no special characters (all lowwer-case
alphabetic), his environment seems normal. The crontab file does not
appear to me to be mal-formatted.

Can someone suggest where I should look next?

Sylvain Robitaille                    
Systems analyst                                   Concordia University
Instructional & Information Technology        Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Received on Tue Mar 11 2003 - 22:49:21 NZDT

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