Hello all,
I am a new subscriber. I have a problem.
My system is Hp alphaserver ES45 having tru64 5.1A unix.
since the server is behind the firewall it has to use
passive ftp only.
Passive ftp is not supported by this OS and hence the request
after asking the username and passwd just hangs.
Please let me what I should do.Is there any patches to be
installed etc.
thanks in advance and regds
Geetha Thanu
Center for DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics (CDFD)
Nacharam, Hyderabad - 500076
Phone:+91-40-7151344 Ext1208
Fax: +91-40-7155479
Received on Mon Mar 24 2003 - 11:29:01 NZST