SUMMARY3: Upgrade from HSZ70 to HSZ80

From: Senulis, Joseph A <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 11:43:25 -0500


     Due to popular demand, here is the official word, via Mark Silverberg
of HP:

The HSZ70 product set is supported on Tru64 UNIX V5.1B. Below is the
support statement found in the 27-June-2003 V5.1B Technical Update
Document located on the external HP Tru64 UNIX Documentation Website:

Technical Update for Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B June 2003

New and Changed Features

May 19, 2003: HSZ70 Storage Array Controller is Supported on Tru64 UNIX
Version 5.1B

Section of the Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B Release Notes incorrectly

announced the retirement of the HSZ70 storage array controller in
conjunction with the release of Version 5.1B of the Tru64 UNIX operating


The HSZ70 is supported with Version 5.1B. The controller driver software

is included on the kit, and the Version 5.1B documentation includes
troubleshooting information for the HSZ70.

-----Original Message-----
     I just came out of a meeting with HP. Due to popular response, the
HSZ70 is officially and publicly supported under T64 5.1B. It is
expected to be desupported down the road, but I have no time-line for
when desupport might happen. --Joe

-----Original Message-----
From: Senulis, Joseph A
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 2:55 PM
To: ''
Subject: SUMMARY: Upgrade from HSZ70 to HSZ80

Thanks to Dr. Thomas Blinn, Toni Harbaugh-Blackford, Alan Rollow and
Bruce D. Hines for the speedy reply.

>From Bruce Hines:
Steps to swap HSZ70 to HSZ80
1. Backup all data on HSZ70
2. Capture all HSZ70 configuration information:
	a. show this_controller full
	b. show disks
	c. show storagesets full
	d. show devices full
3. Shutdown host and HSZ70
4. HP does their thing
5. run config (to add all devices it finds, like DISK10000, etc) 6. add
mirrors, add stripes, add spares  (DO NOT INITIALIZE ANYTHING) 7. add
units (I would use same names for all containers and units) 8. boot host
I would detail out the steps with each container name with commands
(makes it easier to cut-n-paste when you get ready to do it) then run
your plan by HP for proof of concept.
     Steps 1. and 2. are already done as part of our disaster recovery
procedures and the rest isn't all that painful.  If push comes to shove,
that will be the way that we go.  However, hope comes from Dr. Thomas
What you propose SHOULD work.  However, you should also ask when there
might be HSZ70 support under V5.1B.  My understanding is that we have
committed to provide such support precisely because of situations like
yours, so unless you really WANT to upgrade, you might be able to not do
so (assuming all the testing proves out OK -- my understanding from the
status reports I've seen is things are looking good so far..).
     We are scheduled to meet with HP next week so maybe they will have
more information for us.  It would be great to not have to upgrade.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Senulis, Joseph A 
> Sent:	Thursday, May 01, 2003 1:31 PM
> To:	''
> Subject:	Upgrade from HSZ70 to HSZ80
> Hi,
>      I thought that I had seen this addressed previously, but I 
> couldn't find it in the archives.  We are currently running T64 5.1 
> and plan to upgrade to 5.1B.  One of our systems, standalone, not 
> clustered, has a BA370 with a single HSZ70 controller and all RAID 
> sets either RAID-1 or
> RAID-0+1.  Since the HSZ70 will not be supported under 5.1B, the 
> RAID-0+simplest
> solution seems to be to just swap the HSZ70 with the HSZ80.  Is it 
> really that easy?  I haven't placed a service call with HP to get the 
> answer but the sales folk are hazy about it.  Doing a full 
> backup/restore would work but I would like to have less down-time.  I 
> could probably temporarily borrow an extra host adapter to allow the 
> HSZ70 and HSZ80 to be used simultaneously during a cut-over if that 
> would help.  Thanks and I will summarize. --Joe
Received on Tue Jul 29 2003 - 16:45:17 NZST

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