Hi again,
After a little further investigation on this I've come up with this:
- The second trucluster member starting the sendmail daemon shows the following message in the mail.log file:
Aug 28 18:38:26 member2 sm-mta[525933]: daemon MSA: problem creating SMTP socket
Aug 28 18:38:31 member2 sm-mta[525933]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): opendaemonsocket: daemon MSA: cannot bind: Address already in use
...and then the daemon dies.
Does any one have seen this problem? How can I turn around this?
Many thanks,
Pedro Cunha.
Original Question
Hi all,
We are running Trucluster V5.1B, patch kit 2, and sendmail 8.12.8 and at the second time that a connection to the smtp port is made the sendmail daemon dies on the cluster member that is not answering to the request.
for example:
member 1
529512 ?? S 0:00.02 sendmail: accept -L sm-mta -bd -q25m
529524 ?? I 0:00.00 sendmail: Queue -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q 25m
member 2
529512 ?? S 0:00.02 sendmail: accept -L sm-mta -bd -q25m
529524 ?? I 0:00.00 sendmail: Queue -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q 25m
now doing two consecutive telnet to cluster alias on port 25 (member 1 is answering), and after this,
member 1
529512 ?? S 0:00.02 sendmail: accept -L sm-mta -bd -q25m
529524 ?? I 0:00.00 sendmail: Queue -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q 25m
member 2
1051777 ?? I 0:00.00 sendmail: Queue -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q 25m
Any ideas of what is hapening???
Many thanks in advance,
Pedro Cunha.
Pedro Cunha
(Systems Engineer)
Decsis - Sistemas de Informação, Lda.
Rua das artes gráficas, 162
4100-091 Porto
Tel.: +351 226076850
Fax: +351 226076859
Pedro Cunha
(Systems Engineer)
Decsis - Sistemas de Informação, Lda.
Rua das artes gráficas, 162
4100-091 Porto
Tel.: +351 226076850
Fax: +351 226076859
Received on Fri Aug 29 2003 - 14:54:06 NZST