X11-server not started after adding cluster-member

From: Dr. Martin Körfer <koerfer_at_mpch-mainz.mpg.de>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 10:15:58 +0200

Hi managers,

we want to install a 2-node Cluster on a AS 1000 and AS 2100 3/500 with
HSZ40-controlled shared disks and a LAN-direct-crossover Interconnect.
Starting with Tru64-Unix V5.1a PK4 on the AS 1000 (member1) with clu_create and
clu_add_member of AS 2100 (member2) worked fine.

Rebooting of the AS 2100 with genvmunix succeeded;
apart from building a new kernel and starting the X-server.
Only "line-login" was possible
After loading all demanded licenses, building a new kernel and cofiguering the
network I rebooted the member2.

starting the X-server still failed!!!
Final error message:
"can't open display :0"
Has there been any experience on this behaviour before ?

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance

Martin Körfer

Dr. Martin Körfer
MPI f. Chemie
J.J.Becherweg 27
D-55128 Mainz
Tel. 49-6131-305488
Fax: 49-6131-3053188
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