SUMMARY: text only install

From: Andy Malato <>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 15:36:37 -0500 (EST)

Thanks to all who replied and suggested that I use a serial console.
Dr. Blinn was right about waiting a bit, about 60 seconds it will drop
back to a console and "restart nogui" did the trick.

Below is Dr. Blinn's response. Thanks also goes to: Marquess, Dustin,
Pat OBrien, Michael Mackey, Martin Rxnde Anders and John Lanier.


! > Greetings:
! >
! > We have a Digital Personal Workstation 500a and need to reinstall the
! > OS. However, there is something wrong with the graphics card and it
! > refuses to start X windows. Is it possible to perform a text based
! > installation of Tru64 5.1a ?
! I *think* that if you give it enough time it will drop back to a shell
! prompt, at which point you should be able to just type in
! restart nogui
! and get a "glass tty" install, provided you have enough graphics to do
! VGA compatibility.
! Otherwise, you might need to get something like a dumb terminal or a
! tip line from another system or something like kermit on a PC that will
! allow you to have a real serial console, plug into the "COM1" port on
! the back of the system, type a few carriage returns (8 bits, 9600 baud,
! no parity is the usual setting for the console port) and then issue the
! "set console serial" command in the SRM console, do an "init", and the
! system should start up in a serial mode console, at which point you can
! start the install by booting the install media and it should do things
! in serial mode.
! Tom
! Dr. Thomas P. Blinn + Tru64 UNIX Software + Hewlett-Packard Company
! Internet:,,
! 110 Spit Brook Road, MS ZKO3-2/W17 Nashua, New Hampshire 03062-2698
! Alpha Tru64 UNIX kernel support Phone: (603) 884-0646
! ACM Member: PC_at_Home:
! Worry kills more people than work because more people worry than work.
! Keep your stick on the ice. -- Steve Smith ("Red Green")
! My favorite palindrome is: Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
! -- Phil Agre,
! Yesterday it worked / Today it is not working / UNIX is like that
! -- apologies to Margaret Segall
! Opinions expressed herein are my own, and do not necessarily represent
! those of my employer or anyone else, living or dead, real or imagined.
Received on Tue Nov 04 2003 - 20:37:41 NZDT

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