Hello managers,
since I have to replace the KFTIA module and the system has only 5/300 CPUs I
thought of pushing this system a bit for number crunching. For reference look at
Used/refurb parts are cheap for these systems and I searched a bit for possible
modules (CPU/MEM) to be installed. Since I'm new to this type of system (up to
now I have a AS1200, 2 x 600au 5/600, 2 x XP1000 6/500) I'd like to be sure that
the hardware I'd like to use will work in this system.
I'd kindly ask you for some advise for my findings and upgrade plans.
Right now the AS8400 has installed:
Amount | PartNo | Description
1 | E2054-DA | KFTIA I/O module for AlphaServer 8200/8400
4 | E2056-DA | double CPU module, EV5_at_300MHz
1 | MS7CC-FA | 2 GByte memory module
1 | KFE70/72 | PCI cage
a lot | | SCSI disks in BA-5xx
To push the computing performance I'd replace the CPU modules and add some more
memory. My plans are as follows
From 4 x E2056-DA (5/300) to 4 x E2065-DA (EV56_at_625Mhz)
or better 4 x E2063-DA (EV6_at_525Mhz)
Additional memory
1 x MS7CC-FA (2 GByte)
1 x MS7CC-GA (4 GByte)
My doubts are that this will comply to the specs for this system although I
didn't find any reference that this will not work. Even the memory config is
recommended in the system manual I have downloaded from COMPAQ/HP.
Do you have any experiences/recommendations I could base my decisions on?
Would it be better to have EV56 or EV6 CPU modules.
BTW - I do have sofware that will run on this system and uses MPI.
I'd much appreciate your thoughts on this topic.
Uwe Lienig | fon: (+49 351) 462 2780 | mailto:uwe.lienig_at_fif.mw.htw-dresden.de
| fax: (+49 351) 462 3476 | http://www.fif.mw.htw-dresden.de
HTW Dresden | parcels: Gutzkowstr. 22 | letters: PF 12 07 01
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Received on Tue Jan 13 2004 - 11:22:19 NZDT