ssl ftp on Tru64 5.1b - Kermit?

From: Chris Wincentsen <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 13:50:31 -0700


I need to set up an ftp process via ssl. This is completely new territory
for me, so any help will be appreciated. Also, sftp, which uses ssh, is
different and can't be used for the particular application - it requires an
ssl setup. (I didn't realize that ssl and ssh were different until I
started researching this project.)

I found and downloaded a current version of Kermit (8.0), which indicated
that it could be used for ssl ftp. I can compile plain Kermit, without SSL
and that works fine. However, I can't seem to get the right combination of
parameters to get the SSL security working. There was no entry in the
Kermit "make" file for Tru64 5.1b or 5.1b with ssl or 5.1b with any other
special security features, for that matter. Here are the changes I made to
the original Kermit make file, if it helps you see something I've done wrong
or left out (various experiments I tried to the make command are commented

> diff makefile makefile.orig

< SSLLIB=-L/usr/ssl/lib
< SSLINC=-I/usr/ssl/include
> SSLLIB=-L$(sslroot)/ssl/lib
> SSLINC=-I$(sslroot)/ssl/include
<       "LNKFLAGS = -s" "LIBS = -lbsd -lcurses -ltermcap -lm $(LIBS)"
>       "LNKFLAGS = -s" "LIBS = -lbsd -lcurses -ltermcap -lm"
< # Added 5.1b version with OpenSSL - CDW 5-13-2005...
< tru64-51b+openssl:
<       _at_echo Making C-Kermit $(CKVER) for Tru64 UNIX 5.1b
<       _at_echo  including OpenSSL...
<       $(MAKE) CC=$(CC) CC2=$(CC2) osf KTARGET=$${KTARGET:-$(_at_)} \
<       -unsigned -std1 -O3 -Olimit 2400 $(KFLAGS)" \
< #     "LIBS= $(SSLLIB) -lssl -lcrypto"
< #     "CFLAGS= -DCK_AUTHENTICATION -DCK_SSL -I/usr/ssl/include"
Has anyone else used Kermit with ssl on Tru64 5.1b?  How did you do it?  Or
- is there another ssl ftp program available (preferably free) that you have
used instead (and how did you install/configure it)?  
Thanks for any advice or suggestions you may have.
Chris Wincentsen
UNIX Systems Administrator
Office of Information Technology
CSU Stanislaus  -  Turlock, CA  
(209) 667-3732
Received on Wed Jul 06 2005 - 20:48:16 NZST

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