Hi Managers,
i got two answer's (Ann Majeske, Tom Blinn) with the same meaning:
"The prpasswdd was introduced as a performance enhancement.
mostly for clusters, so that all updates to the Enhanced Security
database would be done by one process. But, as you found,
sometimes it makes things worse rather than better.
Usually the first thing we recommend is just to stop and restart
the prpasswdd process to see if the problem goes away, but
there's no problem with just leaving it off.
The prpasswdd process is not necessary. But, all cluster members
should be consistent, i.e. it should either be running or not running
on all cluster members."
Since statd/lockd works and prpasswd is stopped on all cluster-members we don't
had any login problems.
Regards, H. Baumgartner
Harald Baumgartner Max-Planck-Inst. fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
Postfach 1312, D-85741, Garching bei Muenchen, Germany
Phone :(Country Code 49) 89 30000-3346 or -4346
e-mail: hmb_at_mpe.mpg.de (Fax: 49-89/30000-3569)
Received on Thu Jul 07 2005 - 06:22:56 NZST