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Digital AlphaStation 200 - JUPITER - zxnet


DEC Systems

Alpha Systems
Digital Equipment Corporation logo

jupiter - AlphaStation 200

System Information
Manufacturer: Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
Model: AlphaStation 200
Hostname: jupiter Address: ?
CPU: DECchip 21064 (Alpha EV4) @ 166MHz RAM: 144MB
System Software: Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0
Software: Windows NT 3.50 SDK, Visual C++ 4.0 RISC Edition, Visual C++ 6.0 RISC Edition, Windows 2000 SDK (64bit)
Services: None yet

I purchased this machine from someone in Auckland along with another AlphaStation 200 (Saturn) and an AlphaServer 800 (Mars). It has the following installed:

This machine arrived in good condition but its case was locked and was missing its key. This required the removal of the case lock in order to gain access to the inside. More details can be found on the AlphaStation 200 page. This is the better-configured of the two AlphaStation 200s (more RAM, larger hard disk, faster CD-ROM drive). Its front reset button is configured as a halt button and its speaker is connected to the motherboard instead of the soundcard.

For a time this machine was part of a two node OpenVMS cluster with the other AlphaStation 200 but in 2023 it was used under Windows to do Alpha NT builds of Kermit 95. The much faster AlphaServer 800 5/500 I got with this machine now performs this job and this AlphaStation 200 is now just my "Alpha Workstation that can run NT 3.5x".

Below is the configuration of the machine as it currently is.

>>>show config

SRM Console:    V7.0-9
ARC Console:    4.58
PALcode:        VMS PALcode V5.56-2, OSF PALcode X1.46-2
Serial Rom:     V4.6
Diag Rom:       V1.6

DECchip (tm) 21064-3    166Mhz 512KB Cache

     144 Meg of System Memory
     Bank 0 = 128 Mbytes(64 MB Per Simm) Starting at 0x0
     Bank 1 = 16 Mbytes(8 MB Per Simm) Starting at 0x8000000
     Bank 2 = No Memory Detected

     Bus 00  Slot 06: NCR     810 Scsi Controller
                                   pka0.          SCSI Bus ID 7
                                   dka400.         RRD45
                                   dka600.         IBM DCAS-34330

     Bus 00  Slot 07: Intel SIO 82378

     Bus 00  Slot 11: DECchip 21040 Network Controller
                                   ewa0.         00-00-F8-20-03-24

     Bus 00  Slot 13: Digital ZLXp Graphics Controller

Slot    Device  Name            Type         Enabled  BaseAddr  IRQ     DMA
        0       MOUSE           Embedded        Yes     60      12
        1       KBD             Embedded        Yes     60      1
        2       COM1            Embedded        Yes     3f8     4
        3       COM2            Embedded        Yes     2f8     3
        4       LPT1            Embedded        Yes     3bc     7
        5       FLOPPY          Embedded        Yes     3f0     6       2


Plenty of poor quality images of this machine are available at its section of the image gallery:
[Jupiter Gallery]