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Software - zxnet




This page has some details about software with actual real finished versions as well as other private software development projects I have spent a bit of time on. There isnt much here because alot of the projects either shouldnt be made generally available (such as the one for downloading sites from the web archive) or never make it past the critical point in development where they become sustainable.

Software Status Version Location
serialwriter Current 1.0 (10 June 2012) serialwriter
zxlife Current 1.0 (12 May 2012) zxlife
DIMG Current 1.2.1 (12 June 2011) DIMG
WinDIMG32 Current 0.1 (7 June 2010) WinDIMG32
RNetTraf Current 1.0.0 (19 January 2010) RNetTraf
LTSEmbedder Current 0.5 (25 September 2010) LTSEmbedder
IASEL Finished 1.1 (17 October 2009) IASEL
ttyplayer Finished 0.1 (10 November 2008) ttyplayer

In Development = no "stable" versions released yet - only beta or prototype releases so far.
Current = Stable versions available. Still maintained. There may be further feature releases.
Finished = Stable version available, no longer maintained. If problems occur it is unlikely they will be fixed and there will probably never be new features.
Retired = A Finished version (may not have had a proper stable release though) which probably no longer works.


These are projects which are still in development and don't have a stable version yet. They will be made available at some point.


This is software for interfacing with FineOffset WH1080-compatible weather stations. It contains a utility for downloading data from the weather station console and loading it into a PostgreSQL database as well as a modern web interface written in python. You can see a fairly recent version of it running at

Other projects

These are not really worth of a page of their own as in most cases these were simple one-off programs for which there is little to say.


Status: Finished
License: GNU GPL v2 or later
Current Version: 0.1
This is a simple program written in the D programming language to play back text files generated by ttyvideo at a reasonable speed.

Internal Projects

These are all private bits of software that I have developed to do various jobs. The source and binaries are not available because they would be of no use to others (too specific to my requirements, etc). They are listed here just to make it look like I do actually do some programming from time to time.


Inventory database for tracking my supply of spare parts for my computer collection. It generates labels using a Cognitive AdvantageLX label printer.


Davids budgeting system. Currently this is a web app which I use to keep track of my spending. Eventually it will have budgeting facilities too.


ngm-cat is a more modern replacement for ngm-list. It is fully backed by a PostgreSQL database and has an interactive console application for fast data entry. In addition to replacing ngm-list it replaces another application which I wrote for displaying the 1997 edition of "The Complete National Geographic" in a web browser.


Status: Maintenance
Current Version: 3
NGM-LIST is a simple python CGI script which I have written for displaying information about my little collection of National Geographic issues. Three versions currently exist: ngm-list, ngm-list version 2, and ngm-list version 3. Each version should be fully backwards compatible with the previous version (its a bug if it isn't). One of the points in writing this CGI script was to slowly learn more python by developing a program and adding to it over time. The other was to make available data that would not fit nicely into the original HTML table.

Source code and binaries are not available for this piece of software as it is very much specific to my setup and could not be easily modified to work elsewhere making it fairly useless to others. Version 3 is alot better designed (with data loading hidden away in a package) but it still would not be easy. The main problem is how the data is stored - its all in /~david/ngm.shtml. Some of the data is stored in the table and other metadata is stored as comments in the table rows. The script is very sensitive to the formatting of this HTML table and its metadata comments. Any problems with the formatting cause the script to fall over and die.

The primary reason for this stupid data storage was because the data in its HTML table came before the script. There was already a large ammount of it when I decided to write the script and I did not wish to try and shift it all to a database.

web-archive mirror

Status: Retired
Current Version: 1
This was a simple program for downloading sets of pages from the web archive (which is against their T&C but my dialup connection is unlikely to be much of a strain for their servers). It obtained a list of pages in the desired site or directory and went about downloading them. It adjusted each page it downloaded to remove the wayback machine javascript, rewrite references to be relative and perform various other adjustments. It could also redirect non-HTML files to a leechget download queue.

It was my last C# program before I switched over to Java and has seen no development work in some time. I have in the past revived the codebase a few times for various little jobs and in each case upgrades were required to make it work again. It has not been touched since perhaps mid-2008 and would likely need extensive upgrades to become functional again.