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WinDIMG32: A 32bit Windows Disk IMaGer - zxnet



  Project "WinDIMG32"

WinDIMG32 - a Free Software 32bit Windows Disk IMaGer.

Table of Contents

General Information

The goal of this project is to provide a simple Free Software disk imaging utility for older 32bit Windows systems. It is a companion to the DIMG project which provides a portable disk imaging utility for modern operating systems.

At this time a prototype release (v0.1) is available which includes nothing more than a simple utility for reading and writing raw disk images. As a prototype (and my first ever win32 program) it likely has bugs. Below you can see it running under Windows NT 3.51 (not windows 3.1) and Windows NT 4.0.

Under Windows NT 3.51 Under Windows NT 4.0


A1SI-HL01 - Windows help file, included with release.


For all available releases, see The current version is 0.1 which was released on the 7th of June 2010 and includes a simple imaging utility (SIMG). Binaries for x86 (IBM PC Compatible) and DEC Alpha systems as well as source code are available. If you don't know which one you want, its probably x86. A manifest file is also available for use on Windows XP/vista/7 systems. Place this in the same directory as simg32.exe to use the new xp/vista/7 widget styles.

Current Limitations

About WinDIMG32 and the Author

All work on WinDIMG32 so far has been done by David Goodwin. Initial work began early 2010 and has progressed slowly since then in my spare time. This is my first Win32 program (ever) so the code quality is not wonderful and there are probably bugs.