If you can’t find what you need here, there are many open forums and communities on the Web. If you’ve found a problem, or want to make a suggestion, please use our feedback form.
Check the release notes for information on the newest browser features.
Netscape Navigator 9 and the Mozilla Firefox® browser share many common features, so you can explore Mozilla’s online help section for Firefox.
Netscape mail is now managed by the AOL mail group. Please pose any Netscape.net e-mail questions in this forum.
For all Netscape ISP related issues, including cancellation of your account, questions about your bill, or questions about features included in your account, please note that you should send your feedback via http://isp.netscape.com/help/contact.jsp.
The Netscape Message Boards are a great resource for answering questions you might have about Netscape browsers new and old.