HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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Appendix C
Appendix C Diagnostic Messages
     C.1     Overview of Diagnostic Messages
     C.2     Diagnostic Messages from the HP Fortran Compiler
         C.2.1         Source Program Diagnostic Messages
         C.2.2         Compiler-Fatal Diagnostic Messages
     C.3     Messages from the HP Fortran Run-Time System
Appendix D
Appendix D HP Fortran Logical Names
     D.1     Commands for Assigning and Deassigning Logical Names
     D.2     Compile-Time Logical Names
     D.3     Run-Time Logical Names
Appendix E
Appendix E Contents of the HP Fortran System Library FORSYSDEF
Appendix F
Appendix F Using System Services: Examples
     F.1     Calling RMS Procedures
     F.2     Using an AST Routine
     F.3     Accessing Devices Using Synchronous I/O
     F.4     Communicating with Other Processes
     F.5     Sharing Data
     F.6     Displaying Data at Terminals
     F.7     Creating, Accessing, and Ordering Files
     F.8     Measuring and Improving Performance
     F.9     Accessing Help Libraries
     F.10     Creating and Managing Other Processes
1-1 Sample Main Program
1-2 Sample Main Program That Uses a Module and Separate Function
1-3 Sample Module
1-4 Sample Separate Function Declaration
2-1 Sample Listing of Source Code on OpenVMS I64
2-2 Sample Listing of Source Code on OpenVMS Alpha
2-3 Sample (Partial) Listing of Machine Code on OpenVMS I64
2-4 Sample (Partial) Listing of Machine Code on OpenVMS Alpha
2-5 Sample (Partial) Listing of Annotations
2-6 Sample Storage Map Section
2-7 Sample Compilation Summary
3-1 Sample HP Fortran Program
4-1 Sample Program SQUARES
4-2 Sample Debugging Session Using Program SQUARES
5-1 Measuring Program Performance Using LIB$SHOW_TIMER and LIB$INIT_TIMER
5-2 Command Procedure that Measures Program Performance
5-3 Using the /ASSUME =DUMMY_ALIASES Qualifier
7-1 Handling OPEN Statement File Name Errors
8-1 Testing for a NaN Value
9-1 Example Showing the Use of the FOR$CONVERT.ext Method
10-1 Calling C Functions and Passing Integer Arguments
10-2 Calling C Functions and Passing Integer Arguments
10-3 Use of LIB$GET_VM and POINTER
10-4 Subroutine Using a Data Structure Argument
10-5 Ctrl/C Trapping Example
10-6 HP Fortran Program Calling a Compaq Fortran 77 Subroutine
10-7 Compaq Fortran 77 Subroutine Called by an HP Fortran Program
10-8 C Functions Called by an HP Fortran Program
10-9 Calling C Functions and Passing Integer Arguments
10-10 Calling C Functions and Passing Complex Arguments
10-11 Calling C Functions and Passing Pointer Arguments
10-12 C Functions Receiving Pointer Arguments
10-13 C Function That Receives an Explicit-Shape Array
10-14 HP Fortran Program That Passes an Explicit-Shape Array
A-1 Changing Floating-Point Exception Mode
B-1 Using the CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT Routine
C-1 Sample Diagnostic Messages (Listing Format)
2-1 Specifying the Format of Numeric Data for Unformatted Files
2-2 Creating and Using a Text Library
5-1 Common Block with Unaligned Data
5-2 Common Block with Naturally Aligned Data
5-3 Common Block with Naturally Aligned Reordered Data
5-4 Derived-Type Naturally Aligned Data (in CATALOG_SPRING : ( ,))
5-5 Memory Diagram of REC for Naturally Aligned Records
6-1 Segmented Records
6-2 Stream_CR and Stream_LF Records
8-1 INTEGER (KIND =1) or INTEGER*1 Representation
8-2 INTEGER (KIND =2) or INTEGER*2 Representation
8-3 INTEGER (KIND =4) or INTEGER*4 Representation
8-4 INTEGER (KIND =8) or INTEGER*8 Representation
8-5 LOGICAL Representations
8-6 IEEE S_float REAL (KIND =4) or REAL*4 Representation
8-7 VAX F_float REAL (KIND =4) or REAL*4 Representation
8-8 IEEE T_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation
8-9 VAX G_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation
8-10 VAX D_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation
8-11 X_float REAL (KIND =16) Floating-Point Data Representation
8-12 IEEE S_float COMPLEX (KIND =4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation
8-13 VAX F_float COMPLEX (KIND =4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation
8-14 IEEE T_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
8-15 VAX G_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
8-16 VAX D_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
8-17 COMPLEX (KIND =16) or COMPLEX*32 Representation
8-18 CHARACTER Data Representation
9-1 Little and Big Endian Storage of an INTEGER Value
9-2 Sample Unformatted File Conversion
14-1 Effects of Calls to LIB$SIGNAL or LIB$STOP
B-1 VAX H_float REAL*16 Representation (VAX Systems)
1-1 Tools for Program Development and Testing
2-1 FORTRAN Command Qualifiers
2-2 FORTRAN Command Flags and Categories
2-3 Commands to Control Library Files
2-4 CDO Data Types and Corresponding HP Fortran Data Types
2-5 Compiler Limits
3-1 LINK Command Qualifiers
3-2 /DEBUG and /TRACEBACK Qualifiers
5-1 FORTRAN Qualifiers Related to Run-Time Performance
5-2 Qualifiers that Slow Run-Time Performance
5-3 Output Argument Array Types
5-4 Types of Optimization Performed at Different Levels
6-1 Summary of I/O Statements
6-2 Available I/O Statements and Record I/O Forms
6-3 Predefined System Logical Names
6-4 Implicit Fortran Logical Units
6-5 Valid Combinations of File Organization and Record Access Mode
7-1 Summary of Run-Time Errors
8-1 HP Fortran Intrinsic Data Types, Storage, and Numeric Ranges
8-2 IEEE Exceptional Floating-Point Numbers
9-1 Unformatted Numeric Formats, Keywords, and Supported Data Types
10-1 C Property and Argument Passing
10-2 OpenVMS Alpha Register Usage
10-3 OpenVMS Alpha Function Return Values
10-4 Run-Time Library Facilities
10-5 System Services
10-6 HP Fortran Implementation of OpenVMS Data Types
10-7 Variable Data Type Requirements
10-8 HP Fortran and C Data Types
11-1 RMS Fields Available with USEROPEN
13-1 PSECT Names and Attributes
13-2 HP Fortran PSECT Attributes
14-1 Severity Codes for Exception Condition Values
14-2 Contents of SIGARGS
14-3 Contents of MECHARGS on OpenVMS Alpha Systems
14-4 Condition-Handler Function Return Values
15-1 CXML Routine Groups
B-1 Summary of Language Compatibility
B-2 HP Fortran Qualifiers Without Equivalents in Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
B-3 Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems Options Not in HP Fortran
B-4 Floating-Point Data Formats on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS I64 and Alpha Systems
C-1 Run-Time Error Messages and Explanations
D-1 HP Fortran Compile-Time Logical Names
D-2 HP Fortran Run-Time Logical Names
E-1 Contents of System Library FORSYSDEF

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