HP Fortran for OpenVMS
User Manual

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Machine code listing
    MACRO representation
    output listing section
/MACHINE_CODE qualifier
MAIN option
    program transfer address
Main program
    statements for
MAP file type
MAP parameter
    on LINK command #1
    on LINK command #2
    /SHOW qualifier (FORTRAN command)
/MATH_LIBRARY qualifier
MAXREC specifier
    See also LRM
Mechanism array
    contents and use
    floating-point formats used (/FLOAT)
    for intermediate storage
    process limits
    system virtual memory limits
    very large (64-bit) access
Message severity
    meaning to compiler
    meaning to linker
    meaning to run-time system
    compiler-fatal diagnostic messages
    issued by compiler
        general description
        limiting the number
    linker messages
    run-time messages #1
    run-time messages #2
        detecting exceptional values
        displaying online HELP
        displaying secondary system errors
        list, condition symbol order
        list, numeric order
    See also Message severity; Warning messages
    source program diagnostic messages
    warning and error
        /SEVERITY qualifier
    warning and informational
        changing severity to error (/SEVERITY)
        /STANDARD qualifier
        /WARNING qualifier
Minus zero (IEEE) handling
Misaligned data
    See also Unaligned data; Alignment
Mixed real/complex operation
/MODULE qualifier
MODULE statement #1
MODULE statement #2
MODULE statement #3
    See also LRM
    accessing module variables in debugger #1
    accessing module variables in debugger #2
    compiler use of process open file limit
    creating with FORTRAN command
    declaration example
    example compilation
    F90$MOD file type
    files created and used by compiler
    See also LRM
    to contained subprograms
    use association
    use of VOLATILE statement for module variables
    using with FORTRAN command
        specifying object file
$MTHDEF library module
$NAMDEF library module
Name length, symbolic
Name (NAM) block
    general description of use
NAME specifier
    See also LRM
Namelist I/O statements
    Compaq Fortran 77 differences
    See also LRM
/NAMES qualifier
NaN values (IEEE)
    /CHECK qualifier
    detecting #1
    detecting #2
    detecting #3
    /IEEE_MODE qualifier
    ISNAN intrinsic function
    representation in Alpha floating-point data
    See also ISNAN intrinsic
/NATIVE_ONLY qualifier (LINK) #1
/NATIVE_ONLY qualifier (LINK) #2
/NATIVE_ONLY qualifier (LINK) #3
Natural boundaries (alignment)
    definition of
    See also Alignment
Natural storage order (arrays)
Nesting limits
    source code
Networking environments
    sharing and exchanging data in
NML specifier
    See also LRM
    file specification default
/NOG_FLOATING qualifier (obsolete)
/NOI4 qualifier (obsolete)
Nonadvancing I/O
/NOOPTIMIZE qualifier
    effect on debugging
Null-terminating string
    CHAR intrinsic procedure
Numeric range
    See Data type
Numerical data
    output of
OBJ file type #1
OBJ file type #2
Object code listing
    See Machine code listing
Object files
    effect of optimization level on size #1
    effect of optimization level on size #2
    effect of optimization level on size #3
    effect of /SEPARATE_COMPILATION qualifier
        /OBJECT qualifier
    obtaining information about
    one or multiple modules in
        /SEPARATE_COMPILATION qualifier
    prevent creation of
    See also Compilation options
    with module files
        when needed on FORTRAN command line
/OBJECT qualifier #1
/OBJECT qualifier #2
/OBJECT qualifier #3
OLB file type
/OLD_F77 qualifier
Open file limit
    increasing number per process
Open operations
    opening a file using RMS
        See USEROPEN routines
OPEN statement
    access mode
    ACCESS specifier #1
    ACCESS specifier #2
    ACTION specifier
    APPEND specifier #1
    APPEND specifier #2
    BLANK specifier
    BLOCKSIZE specifier #1
    BLOCKSIZE specifier #2
    BUFFERCOUNT specifier #1
    BUFFERCOUNT specifier #2
    CONVERT specifier #1
    CONVERT specifier #2
    CONVERT specifier #3
    DEFAULTFILE specifier #1
    DEFAULTFILE specifier #2
    DEFAULTFILE specifier #3
    DEFAULTFILE specifier #4
    DEFAULTFILE specifier #5
        converting nonnative data
        See LRM
        units for preconnected files
    DELIM specifier
    directory and file name defaults
    DISPOSE specifier #1
    DISPOSE specifier #2
    effect of opening previously open file
    ERR specifier
    error handling example
    EXTENDSIZE specifier
    file organization
    file-sharing parameters
    FILE specifier #1
    FILE specifier #2
    FILE specifier #3
    FILE specifier #4
    file status
    FORM specifier #1
    FORM specifier #2
    I/O statement interdependencies #1
    I/O statement interdependencies #2
        file specification
    implied and explicit file open
    importance of examining defaults
    INITIALSIZE specifier
    IOSTAT specifier
    KEY specifier
    MAXREC specifier
    NAME specifier
    NOSPANBLOCKS specifier
    ORGANIZATION specifier #1
    ORGANIZATION specifier #2
    PAD specifier #1
    PAD specifier #2
    POSITION specifier #1
    POSITION specifier #2
    qualifier controlling BLANK specifier default (/NOF77)
    qualifier controlling STATUS specifier default (/NOF77)
    READONLY specifier
    RECL specifier #1
    RECL specifier #2
        and record data transfer #1
        and record data transfer #2
        for fixed-length records
        for variable-length records
        obtaining value for unformatted files
        qualifier to specify units
        units #1
        units #2
    RECORDSIZE specifier
    RECORDTYPE specifier
    See also LRM
    SHARED specifier #1
    SHARED specifier #2
    specifiers for efficient I/O #1
    specifiers for efficient I/O #2
    specifiers identifying
        error handling capabilities
        file access and position
        file allocation
        file and record characteristics
        file and unit
        file close action
        record transfer characteristics
    specifying file specification
    STATUS specifier #1
    STATUS specifier #2
    STATUS specifier #3
    summary of specifiers
    TYPE specifier
    UNIT specifier #1
    UNIT specifier #2
    UNIT specifier #3
    UNIT specifier #4
    use with USEROPEN routines
    USEROPEN specifier
    using preconnected files
OPENED specifier
    See also LRM
OpenVMS calling standard
    argument lists
    argument-passing mechanisms
    general calling considerations
    OpenVMS data types
    register and stack usage
OpenVMS Debugger
    See Debugger
OpenVMS library routines
    See RTL; LIB$name
    See RMS
OpenVMS system services
    See SYS$name; System services
OpenVMS Web site
    mixed real/complex
        for efficient run-time performance
    See also LRM
OPT file type
Optimization #1
Optimization #2
    additional global
    and performance measurement
    automatic inlining
    code hoisting
    code replication to eliminate branches
    common subexpression elimination
    compile-time operations
    compiler option summary
    compiling multiple files for efficient run-time performance
    constant pooling
    controlling procedure inlining
    data-flow and split lifetime analysis
    dead code
    dead store elimination (unused variables)
    effect on
        compilation time
        object file size
        output file size
        program execution
    for specific Alpha processor generation #1
    for specific Alpha processor generation #2
    implied DO loop collapsing #1
    implied DO loop collapsing #2
    inline expansion
    inlining procedures #1
    inlining procedures #2
    instruction scheduling #1
    instruction scheduling #2
    instruction scheduling #3
    instruction scheduling #4
    instruction scheduling #5
    interprocedure analysis
    limiting loop unrolling
    loop blocking #1
    loop blocking #2
    loop distribution #1
    loop distribution #2
    loop fusion #1
    loop fusion #2
    loop interchange #1
    loop interchange #2
    loop outer loop unrolling #1
    loop outer loop unrolling #2
    loop scalar replacement #1
    loop scalar replacement #2
    loop transformation #1
    loop transformation #2
    loop transformation #3
    loop transformation #4
    loop transformation #5
    loop unrolling
    loops #1
    loops #2
    mixed real/complex operations
    multiplication and division expansion
    of loops
    of statement functions and intrinsics
    /OPTIMIZE qualifier
    overview of levels
    qualifiers for #1
    qualifiers for #2
    register use
    removal optimizations
    reordering floating-point operations
    software pipelining #1
    software pipelining #2
    software pipelining #3
    software pipelining #4
    source code guidelines for (check list)
    summary of /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=n
    to reduce program size (space optimizations) #1
    to reduce program size (space optimizations) #2
    using dummy aliases
    value propagation
Optimization techniques, user
    adjustments to process working set
/OPTIMIZE qualifier
    INLINE=keyword #1
    INLINE=keyword #2
    LEVEL=n #1
    LEVEL=n #2
    TUNE=keyword (Alpha only)
    UNROLL=n #1
    UNROLL=n #2
    UNROLL=n #3
    as program transfer address
/OPTIONS qualifier (LINK) #1
/OPTIONS qualifier (LINK) #2
OPTIONS statement
    See also LRM
    specifying unformatted file floating-point format
Order of subscript progression
    in I/O
ORGANIZATION specifier #1
ORGANIZATION specifier #2
    See also LRM
Output listing
    compilation summary section
    lines per page
    machine code section
    See also Compilation options
    storage map section
Output, screen
    formatting example
    array bounds
    integer #1
    integer #2
    See also Arithmetic exception handling

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