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The Screen Section feature provides an efficient alternative to the ACCEPT and DISPLAY extensions for designing video forms. Screen Section, which is based on the X/Open CAE Specification for COBOL, is also a Compaq extension to the ANSI Standard. It enables you to design video forms in a single section of your Compaq COBOL program. Then, in the Procedure Division, you can accept or display an entire screen of data with a single ACCEPT or DISPLAY statement, instead of multiple statements.
You can design your form as follows:
You design your screens with screen description entries in the Screen Section of the Data Division of your program. Three formats are available for a screen description entry (and are completely defined in the Data Division chapter of the Compaq COBOL Reference Manual):
Table 11-4 shows the optional clauses you can use in a screen description entry to specify character attributes, the formats to which they apply, and a summary of their functions. (They are completely described in the Data Division chapter of the Compaq COBOL Reference Manual.)
Clause | Formats | Function |
AUTO | 1,3 | Moves the cursor to the next field when the last character of a field is entered. |
BACKGROUND-COLOR | 1, 2, 3 | Specifies by number (in the range 0--7) the screen item's background color (see the color list that follows). |
BELL | 2, 3 | Sounds the audio tone on the workstation or terminal. |
BLANK LINE | 2, 3 | Clears the line before displaying the screen item. |
BLANK SCREEN | 1, 2, 3 | Clears the screen before displaying the screen item. |
BLANK WHEN ZERO[ES] | 3 | Replaces zeros with spaces when a screen item's value is zero. |
BLINK | 2, 3 | Causes the displayed item to blink. |
COLUMN NUMBER | 2, 3 | Specifies the horizontal position of an item on the screen. |
ERASE EOL | 2, 3 | Clears the line from the cursor position to the end. |
ERASE EOS | 2, 3 | Clears the screen from the cursor position to the end. |
FOREGROUND-COLOR | 1, 2, 3 | Specifies by number (in range 0--7) the screen item's foreground color. See the color list that follows. |
FULL | 1, 3 | Specifies that a screen item must either be left completely empty or be entirely filled with data. |
HIGHLIGHT | 2, 3 | Specifies that the field is to appear on the screen with the highest intensity. |
JUSTIFIED RIGHT | 3 | Specifies nonstandard data positioning. This can cause truncation of the leftmost characters if the sending item is too large. Otherwise, this aligns the data at the rightmost character position. |
LINE NUMBER | 2, 3 | Specifies the vertical position of an item on the screen. |
LOWLIGHT | 2, 3 | Specifies that the field is to appear on the screen with the lowest intensity. If only two levels of intensity are available, LOWLIGHT is the same as normal. |
REQUIRED | 1, 3 | Specifies that at least one character must be entered in the input or update field. |
REVERSE-VIDEO | 2, 3 | Specifies that the foreground and background colors be exchanged. |
SECURE | 1, 3 | Specifies that no characters are displayed when the input field is entered. |
SIGN LEADING [SEPARATE] | 1, 3 | Specifies the existence of a sign character as the leading character in the field. The SEPARATE option is always in effect if the screen item has an 'S' in the PICTURE clause. Therefore, for a screen item, the sign character never shares its position with a digit. |
SIGN TRAILING [SEPARATE] | 1, 3 | Specifies the existence of a sign character as the trailing character in the field. The SEPARATE option is always in effect if the screen item has an 'S' in the PICTURE clause. Therefore, for a screen item, the sign character never shares its position with a digit. |
UNDERLINE | 2, 3 | Specifies that each character of the field is to be underlined when displayed. |
USAGE DISPLAY | 1, 3 | Specifies the internal format of a data item as DISPLAY (the default). |
When you specify the foreground and background colors for a screen item, you use numbers in the range 0--7, which represent specific colors as described in Table 11-5. Note that these colors are supported only on terminals that support ANSI Standard color sequences.1
Color | Color Value | Color | Color Value |
Black | 0 | Red | 4 |
Blue | 1 | Magenta | 5 |
Green | 2 | Yellow/Brown | 6 |
Cyan | 3 | White | 7 |
This section points out some of the major differences and similarities between the Screen Section and non-Screen Section extensions to help you determine which to use.
There are significant similarities between the Screen Section feature and that of the non-Screen Section screen formats, as follows:
In a number of cases, a clause that you can use in the Screen Section of the Data Division, in the screen description entry, accomplishes the same purpose as a clause in the Procedure Division's ACCEPT or DISPLAY statement (in a non-Screen Section extended format). The difference is in the clauses' names (not interchangeable) and where you use them: in the Data Division's Screen Section, or in the Procedure Division with the ACCEPT or DISPLAY statement. The following table shows these clauses:
Screen Section Clause | ACCEPT or DISPLAY Clause with Equivalent Effect |
There are also significant differences between the Screen Section (Alpha) and the non-Screen Section screen formats. With the Screen Section:
+---------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +---------------+ |
+---------------+ | | | +-----------+ | | | | | | | | | +---+-----------+ |
Refer to Section 11.2, and also the Compaq COBOL Reference Manual Data Division chapter's section on Screen Description and clauses, for details on these features.
In Example 11-12 (Alpha only), a video form is designed for a daily calendar. With it you can display appointments, schedule new appointments, cancel appointments, and print appointments.
Example 11-12 Designing a Video Form for a Daily Calendar (Alpha) |
IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. MENU. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. CONFIGURATION SECTION. * The SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph that follows provides for the * capturing of the F10 function key and for positioning of the * cursor. SPECIAL-NAMES. SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS FKEY-10-VAL ARE 11 CURSOR IS CURSOR-POSITION CRT STATUS IS CRT-STATUS. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. * CURSOR-LINE specifies the line and CURSOR-COL specifies the * column of the cursor position. 01 CURSOR-POSITION. 02 CURSOR-LINE PIC 99. 02 CURSOR-COL PIC 99. * Normal termination of the ACCEPT statement will result in a value * of '0' in KEY1. When the user presses F10, the value in KEY1 will * be '1' and FKEY-10 will be true. 01 CRT-STATUS. 03 KEY1 PIC X. 03 KEY2 PIC X. 88 FKEY-10 VALUE FKEY-10-VAL. 03 filler PIC X. * The following data items are for a "Daily Calendar." It shows * the day's appointments and allows appointments to be made, * canceled, and printed. 01 ACCEPT-ITEM1 PIC X. 01 APPT-NAME PIC X(160). 01 APPT-DAY PIC XX. 01 APPT-MONTH PIC XX. 01 APPT-YEAR PIC XX. 01 APPT-HOUR PIC XX. 01 APPT-MINUTE PIC XX. 01 APPT-MERIDIEM PIC XX. 01 APPT-VERIFY PIC X. 01 EMPTY-LINE PIC X(80). * The SCREEN SECTION designs the Daily Calendar, with a menu * screen from which the user selects an option: to show * appointments, schedule an appointment, cancel an appointment, * and print the appointments. SCREEN SECTION. 01 MENU-SCREEN BLANK SCREEN FOREGROUND-COLOR 7 BACKGROUND-COLOR 1. 02 MENU-SCREEN-2. 03 TITLE-BAR FOREGROUND-COLOR 7 BACKGROUND-COLOR 4. 04 LINE 1 PIC X(80) FROM EMPTY-LINE. 04 LINE 1 COLUMN 32 VALUE "Daily Calendar". 03 LINE 7 COLUMN 26 PIC X TO ACCEPT-ITEM1. 03 VALUE " Show appointments for a day ". 03 LINE 9 COLUMN 26 PIC X TO ACCEPT-ITEM1. 03 VALUE " Schedule an appointment ". 03 LINE 11 COLUMN 26 PIC X TO ACCEPT-ITEM1. 03 VALUE " Cancel an appointment ". 03 LINE 13 COLUMN 26 PIC X TO ACCEPT-ITEM1. 03 VALUE " Print your appointments ". 03 HELP-TEXT FOREGROUND-COLOR 6 BACKGROUND-COLOR 0. 04 LINE 19 COLUMN 12 VALUE " Use the arrow keys to move the cursor among menu items. ". 04 LINE 20 COLUMN 12 VALUE " Press <Return> when the cursor is at the desired item. ". 04 LINE 21 COLUMN 12 VALUE " Press <F10> to exit. ". 01 SCHEDULE-SCREEN BLANK SCREEN. 02 TITLE-BAR FOREGROUND-COLOR 7 BACKGROUND-COLOR 4. 03 LINE 1 PIC X(80) FROM EMPTY-LINE. 03 LINE 1 COLUMN 30 VALUE "Schedule Appointment". 02 FIELDS-TEXT FOREGROUND-COLOR 7 BACKGROUND-COLOR 1. 03 LINE 5 VALUE " Description of Appointment: ". 03 LINE PLUS 4 VALUE " Date of Appointment (DD/MM/YY): ". 03 COLUMN PLUS 5 VALUE "/ /". 03 LINE PLUS 2 VALUE " Time of Appointment (HH:MM mm): ". 03 COLUMN PLUS 5 VALUE ":". 02 FIELDS-INPUT FOREGROUND-COLOR 7 BACKGROUND-COLOR 0 AUTO. 03 LINE 6 PIC X(160) TO APPT-NAME. 03 LINE 9 COLUMN 36 PIC XX USING APPT-DAY. 03 LINE 9 COLUMN 39 PIC XX USING APPT-MONTH. 03 LINE 9 COLUMN 42 PIC XX USING APPT-YEAR. 03 LINE 11 COLUMN 36 PIC XX USING APPT-HOUR. 03 LINE 11 COLUMN 39 PIC XX USING APPT-MINUTE. 03 LINE 11 COLUMN 42 PIC XX USING APPT-MERIDIEM. 02 HELP-TEXT FOREGROUND-COLOR 6 BACKGROUND-COLOR 0. 03 LINE 16 COLUMN 18 VALUE " Use Cursor Keys to move within the fields. ". 03 LINE 17 COLUMN 18 VALUE " Press <Tab> to enter next field. ". 03 LINE 18 COLUMN 18 VALUE " Press <Return> when finished. ". 01 VERIFY-SUBSCREEN FOREGROUND-COLOR 7 BACKGROUND-COLOR 1. 02 LINE 16 COLUMN 1 ERASE EOS. 02 LINE 17 COLUMN 25 VALUE " Is this entry correct? (Y/N): ". 02 PIC X USING APPT-VERIFY AUTO. PROCEDURE DIVISION. P0. DISPLAY MENU-SCREEN. * The cursor position is not within an item on the screen, so the * first item in the menu will be accepted first. MOVE 0 TO CURSOR-LINE, CURSOR-COL. * The user moves the cursor with the arrow keys to the * desired menu item (to show, schedule, cancel, or print * appointments) and selects the item by pressing <Return>. * If the user wishes to exit without selecting an option, * the user can press the F10 function key. ACCEPT MENU-SCREEN. IF KEY1 EQUAL "0" PERFORM OPTION_CHOSEN ELSE IF KEY1 EQUAL "1" AND FKEY-10 DISPLAY "You pressed the F10 key; exiting..." LINE 22. STOP RUN. OPTION_CHOSEN. * For brevity, the sample program includes complete code * for the "Schedule Appointment" screen only. A complete * program for a calendar would also include code for * displaying, canceling, and printing the day's appointments. IF CURSOR-LINE = 7 DISPLAY "You selected Show Appointments" LINE 22. IF CURSOR-LINE = 9 MOVE "01" TO APPT-DAY MOVE "01" TO APPT-MONTH MOVE "94" TO APPT-YEAR MOVE "12" TO APPT-HOUR MOVE "00" TO APPT-MINUTE MOVE "AM" TO APPT-MERIDIEM DISPLAY SCHEDULE-SCREEN * The user types the description, date, and time of the * appointment. ACCEPT SCHEDULE-SCREEN MOVE "Y" TO APPT-VERIFY DISPLAY VERIFY-SUBSCREEN * The user is asked, "Is this entry correct?" Answer is * Y or N. ACCEPT VERIFY-SUBSCREEN. IF CURSOR-LINE = 11 DISPLAY "You selected Cancel Appointments" LINE 22. IF CURSOR-LINE = 13 DISPLAY "You selected Print Appointments" LINE 22. END PROGRAM MENU. |
Figure 11-14 MENU-SCREEN Output (Alpha)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Daily Calendar | | | | | | | | | | | | Show appointments for a day | | | | Schedule an appointment | | | | Cancel an appointment | | | | Print your appointments | | | | | | | | | | | | Use the arrow keys to move the cursor among menu items. | | Press <Return> when the cursor is at the desired item. | | Press <F10> to exit. | | | | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
Figure 11-15 SCHEDULE-SCREEN Output (Alpha)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Schedule Appointment | | | | | | | | Description of Appointment: | |Meeting with Bill and Susan | | | | | | Date of Appointment (DD/MM/YY): 01/03/94 | | | | Time of Appointment (HH:MM mm): 11:00 AM | | | | | | | | | | Use Cursor Keys to move within the fields. | | Press <Tab> to enter next field. | | Press <Return> when finished. | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
1 This does not include the VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, and VT500 series terminals. On workstations that emulate these terminal types, this restriction may not apply. |
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