HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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Chapter 2
Modifying Print Jobs and Displaying the Status of Print Jobs and Queues

You can display, delete, and modify your print jobs using the commands described in this chapter. You can also list the print jobs in the queue and the status of your print jobs.

2.1 Displaying Print Jobs

The SHOW ENTRY command allows you to display information about your print jobs.

If you want to see the status of a particular print job, include the job number in the SHOW ENTRY command. For example:

    $ SHOW ENTRY 96

      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status 
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------ 
         96  MEMO            MSMITH          114  Holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00 
             On idle printer queue LP40$A14 

You can get more information about the print job if you include the /FULL qualifier. For example:


      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status 
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------ 
         96  MEMO            MSMITH          114  Holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00 
             On idle printer queue LPS40$A14 
             Submitted 27-MAR-2009 10:36 /FORM=DCPS$DEFAULT (stock=DEFAULT) 
             /PARAM=("DATA=AUTOMATIC") /PRIORITY=100 
             File: _$1$DUA10:[MSMITH]MEMO.TXT;1 
             File: _$1$DUA10:[MSMITH]FILE_SNIFF.TXT;1 
             File: _$1$DUA10:[MSMITH]INFOPLAN.TXT;1 
             File: _$1$DUA10:[MSMITH]MONTHLY_REPORT.TXT;2 
             File: _$1$DUA10:[MSMITH]VTPW.TXT;1 

The /FULL qualifier displays the status of the print job in the queue. The print job in the example is holding, because it was submitted with the /AFTER qualifier to delay starting the print job. The print job status may be any one of those listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Print Job Status
Status Meaning
Printing On a local printer, the print job is currently printing. On a network printer, the print job may be printing, or a job from another system may be printing.
Pending The print job is waiting to be printed. Other print jobs are ahead of this job in the queue, or the job is waiting for the appropriate type of media to be mounted in the printer.
Holding The print job is waiting to print because it was submitted with the /AFTER qualifier or the /HOLD qualifier, or the SET ENTRY/HOLD command was entered for the job. To release the print job for printing, use the /RELEASE qualifier in the SET ENTRY command (see Section 2.4).
Stalled The job started, but is now stalled, possibly due to a paper jam or tray out of paper.
Aborting The job has been aborted with a DELETE /ENTRY command. (See Section 2.3 for more information.)
Retained The print job has completed but it is being retained in the queue.

You can display all your print jobs by entering the SHOW ENTRY command without specifying the print job number. For example:


      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status 
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------ 
         96  MEMO            MSMITH          114  Holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00 
             On busy printer queue LP40$A14 
         75  AUTO            MSMITH          368  Pending 
             On busy printer queue PS40$A10 
         68  BOOK_LIST       MSMITH           78  Printing 
             On busy printer queue PS40$A10 

You can use the following qualifiers with the SHOW ENTRY command to display print jobs:
SHOW ENTRY Qualifier Displays ...
/BRIEF A short summary about one or more print jobs. This is the default display if you do not include the /FULL qualifier.
/BY_JOB_STATUS=( keyword,...) Print jobs that have the status you specify for the keyword. The status types are listed in Table 2-1.
/FILES The file names of the files in each print job displayed.
/FULL Complete information about the print job, including job status and files to be printed.
/USER_NAME= user-name The print jobs for the user you specify.

2.2 Displaying Print Queues

You can display a list of all of your print jobs in a queue and the status of the print queue, by using the SHOW QUEUE command.


Remote nodes in the network may have print queues sending jobs to the same printer, but queues on those nodes are not displayed.

To see all of your print jobs in a queue, enter the SHOW QUEUE command followed by the name of the print queue:

    $ SHOW QUEUE LPS40$A10

      Printer queue LPS40$A10, on LEVEL::A10, mounted form DCPS$DEFAULT 
      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status 
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------ 
         96  MEMO            MSMITH          114  Holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00 

If you wish to see print jobs belonging to all users, and you have sufficient privileges to do so, use the SHOW QUEUE /ALL command.

You can list all the queues in the system by entering the SHOW QUEUE command with no queue name.

You can use the following qualifiers to specify the type of information to display about a queue or queues:
SHOW QUEUE Qualifier Displays ...
/ALL_JOBS All the print jobs in a queue. If you do not include this qualifier, the SHOW QUEUE command displays your print jobs in the queue.
/BRIEF A short summary about one or more print jobs. This is the default display if you do not include the /FULL qualifier.
/BY_JOB_STATUS=( keyword,...) Print jobs that have the status you specify for the keyword. The status types are listed in Table 2-1.
/FILES The file names of the files in each print job displayed.
/FORM Information about the forms that are defined (see Chapter 12).
/FULL Information about the print job, including job status and files to be printed.
/SUMMARY A short message about the status of the queue and the print jobs in the queue.

2.3 Deleting a Print Job

You can remove a print job from the queue by using the DELETE /ENTRY command. If the print job is being printed, this command terminates printing and deletes the print job.

If the system manager sets up the queue to retain print jobs, your print job remains in the queue after you use the DELETE /ENTRY command. In this case, use the DELETE /ENTRY command twice to remove the job from the queue.

Include the job number of the print job to be deleted after the DELETE /ENTRY command. For example:

    $ DELETE /ENTRY=96

    Job MEMO (queue LP40$A10, entry 96) terminated with error status 
    %JBC-F-JOBDELETE, job deleted before execution 
    %DELETE, entry 96 aborting or deleted 

2.4 Modifying a Print Job

You can modify a print job that has not started printing. You can change the queue for the print job, or any of the print job attributes that you specified in the PRINT command. You cannot modify a print job that has begun printing.

Use the SET ENTRY command to modify the status, queue, or attributes of a print job. Specify the job number and any qualifiers in the SET ENTRY command. The following example shows how to change the print queue for print job number 318. To specify the new queue, use the SET ENTRY command with the /REQUEUE qualifier.

    $ PRINT *.MSG /AFTER=17:00 /QUEUE=PS40$A10
    Job AUTO (queue PS40$A10, entry 318) holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00
    $ SET ENTRY 318 /REQUEUE=LP40$A10
    $ SHOW QUEUE LP40$A10
    Printer queue LP40$A10, on MOON::A10::, mounted form DCPS$DEFAULT
      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------
        318  AUTO            MSMITH          368  Holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00

Use the SET ENTRY command to release a print job that is Holding. Include the /RELEASE qualifier in the SET ENTRY command to release the print job. For example:

    %DCPS-I-JOBSTART, Job AUTO (queue LP40$A10, entry 318) started
     on LP40$A10

You can change the qualifiers and print parameters for a print job using SET ENTRY. Include the job number and the new qualifier or parameter values in the SET ENTRY command.

If your PRINT command included more than one print parameter, you must include them all in the SET ENTRY command. You cannot modify only one of the print parameters without affecting the others that you included in the PRINT command. If you modify only one parameter, the others are reset to default values. For example, you could submit a print job with the following command:

    Job MYFILE (queue PS40$A10, entry 329) started on LPS40$A10

To modify the page orientation setting for this print job, you must include the SIDES parameter, as well:

    $ SHOW ENTRY 329 /FULL

      Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status 
      -----  -------         --------     ------  ------ 
        329  MYFILE          MSMITH            4  Holding until 27-MAR-2009 17:00 
             On printer queue PS40$A10 
             Submitted 27-MAR-2009 11:50 /FORM=DCPS$DEFAULT (stock=DEFAULT) /NOTIFY 
             File: _$1$DUA10:[MSMITH]MYFILE.RPT;2 

Chapter 3
Specifying Input and Output Trays

3.1 Selecting the Input Tray

Most printers have more than one input tray. You can use different trays for various types of media, such as transparencies, envelopes and paper.

Some printers support special trays, such as manual-feed input slots and envelope feeders. To list the input trays supported by your printer, enter the HELP PRINT_PARAMETER INPUT_TRAY command and select the subtopic that describes your printer.

Use the INPUT_TRAY parameter in the PRINT command to select the input tray from which the media is drawn for the print job.

    $ PRINT /PARAMETERS=INPUT_TRAY=input-tray file-name

For example:


Some printers do not support multiple input trays. If you specify /PARAMETERS=INPUT_TRAY on print jobs for these types of printers, your print job is terminated and the following message is displayed:

    NOINPTRAY, INPUT_TRAY selection not supported for printer-name

Selecting the wrong input tray with certain printers terminates the print job. When you specify an input tray that is not supported by the printer, the following error message is displayed:

    INTRAYNOTSUP, No tray-name on printer-name

Some printers have optional input trays. If you specify an optional input tray that is not currently available on the printer, the job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:

    INTRAYNOTAVL, No tray-name is installed on printer-name

3.1.1 Specifying the Type of Media Selecting by Page and Sheet Size

You can specify a paper size with the PAGE_SIZE or SHEET_SIZE parameter.

    $ PRINT /PARAMETERS=SHEET_SIZE=sheet-size file-name
    $ PRINT /PARAMETERS=(SHEET_SIZE=sheet-size,INPUT_TRAY=input-tray) -
    _$ file-name

For example:


If you specify both the input tray and the paper size, the specified input tray must contain the requested paper size for the job to print, or the print job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:

    SIZNOTRAY, paper-size size medium is not in the tray-name tray in 

For example:

    SIZNOTRAY, A4 size medium is not in the TOP tray in PrintServer 17/600 Selecting by Media Type

Media type is set on the printer to indicate the type of paper loaded in a particular tray. The default is usually PLAIN. Other common media types are COLOR, LETTERHEAD, PREPRINTED, PREPUNCHED and RECYCLED. When a paper tray is set to a particular media type, only jobs requesting that media type will use paper from that tray.

To select media type in your DCPS job, use the MEDIA_TYPE parameter:

    $ PRINT /PARAMETERS=MEDIA_TYPE=media-type file-name

DCPS allows any value for the MEDIA_TYPE parameter. Note that the media type is sometimes abbreviated on a printer's front panel or on its web page. For example, the setting for LETTERHEAD media might be abbreviated as LTRHEAD. In most cases, you can specify either the full or abbreviated name.

You should specify a media type currently used by your printer. If the media type is not available on your printer, you will either:

You can specify a media type with the MEDIA_TYPE parameter. Media type is set on the printer to indicate the type of paper loaded in a particular tray. The default is usually PLAIN. Other common media types are COLOR, LETTERHEAD, PREPRINTED, PREPUNCHED and RECYCLED. When a paper tray is set to a particular media type, only jobs requesting that media type will use paper from that tray if it is different from the printer's default media type.

One benefit of using media type selection is the ability to select paper by paper size and media type without having to know the tray number containing the paper you want to use for your job.

To select paper of a particular media type:

    $ PRINT /PARAMETERS=MEDIA_TYPE=media-type file-name

For example:


will select paper from the tray containing colored paper.

DCPS allows any value for the MEDIA_TYPE parameter. Note that the media type is sometimes abbreviated on a printer's front panel or on its web page. For example, the setting for LETTERHEAD media might be abbreviated as LTRHEAD. In most cases, you can specify either the full or abbreviated name.

If the printer does not contain the requested media type, the print job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:

    MEDIATYPENOTAVL, No media-type type medium is loaded in printer name

For example,

    MEDIATYPENOTAVL, No COLOR type medium is loaded in HP LaserJet 9050 

You can use the MEDIA_TYPE parameter in combination with other tray selection parameters INPUT_TRAY, PAGE_SIZE and SHEET_SIZE.

If you specify both the input tray and the media type, the specified input tray must contain the requested paper size for the job to print. Otherwise, the print job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:

    MEDIATYPENOTRAY, media-type type medium is not in the tray tray 
     in printer name

For example, if there is no letterhead paper in tray 2 and you type

    _$ /QUEUE=HP4650 FILE.PS

you will see the following error message displayed:

    MEDIATYPENOTRAY, LETTERHEAD type medium is not in the TRAY_2 tray in 
     HP Color LaserJet 4650 

Some printers will prompt you to load the requested media type instead of causing the MEDIATYPENOTRAY error message. The behavior depends on the characteristics of the printer. For example, HP printers with Deferred Media Selection turned on will prompt you to load the media type you specified. With most other printers, DCPS will not print the job and will return the error message instead.

Media type selection is supported only by PostScript Level 2 and higher printers. If you specify the media type for a PostScript Level 1 printer, the print job is terminated and the following error message is displayed:

    MEDIATYPENOSUP, Media type selection not supported for PostScript 
     Level 1 printers 

3.1.2 Selecting Manual Feed

To select the manual feed slot, use the parameter INPUT_TRAY=MANUAL_FEED. You must also specify the paper size with the SHEET_SIZE or PAGE_SIZE parameter.

    $ PRINT /PARAMETERS=(SHEET_SIZE=sheet-size,INPUT_TRAY=input-tray) file-name

For example:


If you omit the page size from a print job that specified manual feed, your print job terminates and the following error message is displayed:

    NO_SHEET_SIZE, Sheet_size must be specified for Manual_Feed 

When you specify manual feed, job separation pages are printed on the paper that is loaded in the printer's default input tray. Then the input tray is changed to MANUAL_FEED for printing the file.

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