HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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11.3 Layup Error Notification

Errors in layup definition files are returned with the identification BADLAYDEF. To display the error messages on your terminal, use the /NOTIFY qualifier in the PRINT command line. To print or keep error messages, use the MESSAGES parameter to the PRINT /PARAMETERS command. Error messages use the following format:

    %DCPS-W-BADLAYDEF, condition on line line-number in layup definition 

The condition describes the problem and line-number is the line number in the layup definition file on which the error occurred. See Section A.3 for the text and explanation of the messages generated by errors in a layup definition file.

Chapter 12
Using Forms in Your PRINT Command

The system manager can create form definitions, which you can include in your PRINT command to modify the appearance of your printed file. When you specify an unknown form, DECprint Supervisor informs you immediately. If you specify an unknown setup module to modify your file, DECprint Supervisor does not inform you of the problem until it starts printing the job and needs to access the setup module.

Example 12-1 shows a PRINT command that includes a form called LANDSCAPE.

Example 12-1 Including a Form in a PRINT Command


The following sections explain how to use forms.

12.1 Finding Forms on Your System

To find the forms available for your use, issue the following command:


A list of forms and their functions is displayed:

    Form name                            Number   Description 
    ---------                            ------   ----------- 
    PITCH12 (stock=DEFAULT)                 122   12 Characters per Inch 
    PITCH13 (stock=DEFAULT)                 121   13.2 Characters per Inch 
    PITCH16 (stock=DEFAULT)                 120   16.5 Characters per Inch 
    PITCH6 (stock=DEFAULT)                  125   6 Characters per Inch 
    PITCH660 (stock=DEFAULT)                124   6.6 Characters per Inch 
    PITCH8 (stock=DEFAULT)                  123   8.25 Characters per Inch 
    PORTRAIT (stock=DEFAULT)                 20   80 by 60 (portrait) 
    PS (stock=LASER)                       2001   Postscript Form 

You can display the attributes of a form using the SHOW QUEUE /FORM /FULL command. For example this command displays the attributes of DCPS$DEFAULT:


    Form name                            Number   Description 
    ---------                            ------   ----------- 
    DCPS$DEFAULT (stock=DEFAULT)           1115   DCPS default 

This form sets the page length and width, truncates long lines, and uses a default paper stock.

12.2 Using Forms with ANSI Files

Most of the time, you use form definitions with ANSI files, because many of the qualifiers for form definitions apply only to ANSI files. The qualifiers allow you to specify the page length and margins and allow long lines to either truncate or wrap to the next line. Files with data types besides ANSI, such as PostScript, have internal controls that set up your page's attributes.

Table 12-1 shows the qualifiers that affect only ANSI files.

Table 12-1 DEFINE /FORM Qualifiers for ANSI Files
This Qualifier ... Does the Following ...
/LENGTH= n Sets the length of each page, in lines.
/MARGIN= keyword= n Sets the page margins.
/PAGE_SETUP= module Applies a page setup module to each page in the job.
/[NO]TRUNCATE Truncates long lines that do not fit in the page width.
/WIDTH= n Sets the width of the page in columns or characters.
/[NO]WRAP Wraps lines wider than the page to the next line.


These form definitions are useful only with ANSI files, because other types of files have internal controls for these attributes.

12.3 Using Forms with All Types of Files

There are two qualifiers that the system manager can use with all types of files: /SETUP and /STOCK. The following sections explain what those qualifiers do.

12.3.1 Using Forms that Invoke Setup Modules (/SETUP)

Your system manager can associate a setup module with a form. To see if a setup module has been included in a form definition, issue the SHOW QUEUE /FORM /FULL command and look for the /SETUP qualifier in the descriptions of the forms. For example:


    Form name                            Number   Description 
    ---------                            ------   ----------- 
    CONFIDENTIAL (stock=DEFAULT)           15     Prints CONFIDENTIAL 

In this example, the setup module called PRIVATE is included in the form definition.

12.3.2 Using Forms that Specify the Paper Stock (/STOCK)

Your system manager can use the /STOCK qualifier to specify a type of paper that must be used when a form is invoked. When you use that form, you must ensure that the the specified stock is in the printer. Otherwise, the job is held in the queue until you load the specified stock or use a different form definition.

To see if a form requires special stock, issue the SHOW QUEUE /FORM /FULL command and look for the /STOCK qualifier in the description of the form. For example:


    Form name                            Number   Description 
    ---------                            ------   ----------- 
    LANDSCAPE (stock=DEFAULT)                10   132 by 66 (landscape) 
        /TRUNCATE /WIDTH=132 

If the /STOCK qualifier has the DEFAULT parameter, any type of paper is allowed.

12.4 Using the Default Form Definition

If you omit a form definition in your print request but supply one of the following qualifiers, the default form definition DCPS$DEFAULT is automatically associated with your ANSI file:

To find the attributes of the default form definition, issue the following command:


    Form name                            Number   Description 
    ---------                            ------   ----------- 
    DCPS$DEFAULT (stock=DEFAULT)           1115   DCPS default 

Chapter 13
Using Setup Modules in Print Jobs

This chapter contains general information about using setup modules, and information about setup modules that can be used by several printers. See Chapter 18 for information about printer-specific modules.

You can also use setup modules implicitly through the use of forms, as described in Chapter 12.

13.1 What Is a Setup Module?

A setup module is a file containing instructions that modify the appearance of a print job or redefine the instructions in the print job.

To include a setup module in a print job, use the /SETUP qualifier in the PRINT command. The following example uses a setup module that specifies 600 dots-per-inch (DPI) resolution:


13.2 Locating Setup Modules

DCPS ships with various setup modules, which are located in the following device control library:


To list the setup modules, use the following command:


A list of setup modules, similar to the following example, is displayed:



Do not modify any of the setup modules or the device control library.

Some setup modules are created only for certain printers. Those setup modules have the printer name as part of their file name. For instance, the setup module DL3500_RET_DARK is intended for the DEClaser 3500 printer.

See Section 13.4 and later sections for descriptions of some of the setup modules.

13.2.1 Locating Custom Setup Modules

Custom setup modules go in special device control libraries, which are required to be .TLB (text library) files located in SYS$LIBRARY. The following command lists all of the text libraries in SYS$LIBRARY. To determine which of these libraries are special device control libraries used with DCPS, check with your system manager or correlate the .TLB file names with the libraries and library search lists associated with the /LIBRARY qualifier for your system's DCPS print queues.


13.2.2 Displaying the Contents of a Setup Module

To see the instructions that a setup module contains, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the setup module from the device control library. The following example extracts the setup module DI_ON from DCPS$DEVCTL.TLB and renames it MYSETUP.TXT in the user's directory:


  2. Type or edit the setup module to display its contents. For example:


    The setup module DI_ON enables the DECimage image enhancement feature, and contains the following instructions:

        % ~~~~~~~~~~ DI_on ~~~~~~~~~~ 
        statusdict begin false setDECimage end 
        systemdict /languagelevel known {languagelevel} {1} ifelse 
        2 ge {currentpagedevice /Install get exec} if 
        statusdict begin true setDECimage end 
        % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


    Some setup modules contain escape sequences or graphics, which cannot be displayed when you type the file.

13.3 Creating a Setup Module

To create a setup module, follow these steps:

  1. Create a setup module that includes the necessary escape sequences or PostScript operators.
  2. Ask your system manager to insert the setup module into a device control library.
  3. Print the file, specifying the setup module and the file. For example:

        $ PRINT /QUEUE=PS$A14 /SETUP=module-name MYFILE.DAT

13.4 Modifying DECimage Parameters with Setup Modules

The following setup modules invoke the DECimage feature or modify the DECimage parameters. They are grouped into the following categories:

For example, the following command adds sharpening and shifts the gray levels:

    $ PRINT /NOTIFY /QUEUE=queue-name /SETUP=(DI_SHARP_2,DI_DARKER) file-name

13.5 Resolution Setup Modules

You can use the following resolution setup modules to temporarily change the resolution on multiple resolution printers:


Not all of these setup modules are applicable to all printers.

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