HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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If the error occurs during the printing of a PostScript file, either the PostScript file or the application that generated the PostScript file is in error. If the application is supplied by HP, contact the HP Customer Support Center and submit a problem report.

UNSUP_DEF_AUTOTYPE, data-type is not supported as an AUTOMATIC data type, assuming AUTOMATIC=ANSI
Explanation: The default text data type defined by the DCPS$[queue-name_]DEFAULT_TRANSLATOR logical name is not a legal value. The legal values are ANSI, PROPRINTER, and PCL.
User Action: The system manager must redefine the logical name.

UNSUP_DEFTRANS, data-type is not supported as a Default Translator, ANSI will be used.
Explanation: The data type assumed by the DECprint Supervisor software as the default text data type is not valid. The DECprint Supervisor software will use ANSI as the default data type.
User Action: The system manager should correct the specification of the logical name DCPS$[queue-name]_DEFAULT_TRANSLATOR. The queue must be stopped (STOP /QUEUE /RESET) and started (START /QUEUE) for a new definition to take effect.

UNSUPTAG, File tagged as data_syntax will not be printed
Explanation: The file contains a DDIF stored_semantics tag that is not supported.
User Action: You cannot print this type of file using the DECprint Supervisor software.

UNSUP_USER_AUTOTYPE, data-type is not supported as an AUTOMATIC data type, assuming AUTOMATIC=ANSI
Explanation: The user's PRINT command, or the default queue parameter in the DCPS$STARTUP.COM command file, specifies the DATA_TYPE=AUTOMATIC=default-text-data-type parameter using an illegal value for default-text-data-type. Legal values are ANSI, PROPRINTER, and PCL.
User Action: If the error was in a PRINT command, resubmit the print job with one of the legal values for the DATA_TYPE=AUTOMATIC parameter.

If the error is in the queue definition, perform the following operations:

USERDATA, string
Explanation: The PostScript program requested that the data represented by string be sent to the user, with the operators print, pstack, =, and ==.
User Action: None.

VMERROR, vmerror: PostScript virtual memory exhausted --- offending command is string
Explanation: The PostScript interpreter sensed an error while trying to execute the PostScript command represented by string.
User Action: If this error occurs during the printing of a file with a data type other than PostScript, an error exists in the translation process. If the translator is supplied by HP, report this problem to the HP Customer Support Center.

If your print job fails to print because of a virtual memory limitation, you can take one of the following actions:

ZEROAREA, Layup definition margins result in no usable sheet area
Explanation: You included a layup definition file in your print job that sets margins that leave no area for printing.
User Action: See Chapter 11 for information on the MARGINS option in a layup definition file.

A.3 Layup Definition (BADLAYDEF) Messages

This section describes the layup definition error messages you receive with the message identification BADLAYDEF. Messages are displayed in the following format:

%DCPS_W_BADLAYDEF, condition on line line-number in layup definition

The condition describes the problem and line-number is the line number in the layup definition file on which the error occurred.

The following error messages are generated by errors in a layup definition file and reported as the condition.


Line numbers reported in the BADLAYDEF message may not always be correct for some Record Management Service (RMS) file organizations.

Bad form for margin values
Explanation: The value given for the MARGINS option cannot be understood by that option.

Bad form for page grid values
Explanation: The values given for the GRID option cannot be understood by that option.

Cannot give values with negated option option
Explanation: A line contains both a negated option and a value, for example, NOALTERNATE=LEFT.

Cannot negate option option
Explanation: An option that should not be negative is given as a negative value.

Cannot supply a value for option
Explanation: A value is given for an option that cannot take a value.

Could not find a number as a value
Explanation: The value given for an option cannot be understood by that option.

Extra characters present after values
Explanation: Legitimate values for an option are followed by extra characters.

Must express a value for option option
Explanation: No value is given for an option that requires a value.

No option present
Explanation: A line is not blank, but it also does not contain an option.

No values specified for option option
Explanation: A line contains an equal sign but no value.

Number must be greater than 1
Explanation: The numeric values for an option are out of range, for example, PAGESPERSHEET=0.

Page count must be less than 100
Explanation: The GRID option must have positive values. The product of the two values must be 100 or less.

Unrecognized keyword keyword
Explanation: The value given for a keyword cannot be understood.

Unrecognized option option
Explanation: A line does not contain a recognized option.

Appendix B
PRINT Command Qualifiers

With the DECprint Supervisor, you can print files on PostScript printers using the OpenVMS PRINT command. The PRINT command qualifiers are documented in this appendix and in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.

Table B-1 lists the PRINT command qualifiers and describes the functions of the qualifiers.

Several qualifiers apply only to print jobs for ANSI files; if you supply this type of qualifier on a PRINT command line for printing non-ANSI files, the qualifier is ignored and the file is printed.

Table B-1 PRINT Command Qualifiers
Qualifier Description
/[NO]AFTER Indicates the print job will be held in the queue until the specified time.
/[NO]BACKUP Selects files for printing based on their last backup date and time.
/[NO]BEFORE Specifies a date and time for the file selection qualifiers (/BACKUP, /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED) and selects files with dates before the specified date and time.
/[NO]BURST Controls file burst pages.
/[NO]BY_OWNER Selects files to print based on the user identification code (UIC).
/CHARACTERISTICS Specifies printer characteristics for the print job.
/[NO]CONFIRM Prompts you for each file in the print job.
/COPIES Specifies the number of copies of the file to print.
/[NO]CREATED Selects files for printing based on the file creation date and time.
/[NO]DELETE Deletes the print files automatically after the print job has been processed.
/[NO]EXCLUDE Excludes a file or files from a print job.
/[NO]EXPIRED Selects files for printing based on the file expiration date and time.
/[NO]FEED Controls whether form feed characters are inserted at the end of pages.
/[NO]FLAG Controls file flag pages.
/FORM Specifies a form type whose characteristics will be applied to the print job.
/[NO]HEADER Prints a header line at the top of each printed page.
/[NO]HOLD Holds the print job until specifically released with SET ENTRY/RELEASE.
/[NO]IDENTIFY Displays the print queue and print job number on your terminal when the print job is submitted.
/JOB_COUNT Specifies the number of times to print the job.
/[NO]LOWERCASE Specifies printing on a printer with lowercase printing capability.
/[NO]MODIFIED Selects files for printing based on the date and time the file was last modified.
/NAME Specifies a print job name.
/NOTE Specifies a message to print on job separation pages.
/[NO]NOTIFY Sends messages to your terminal when the print job starts and ends and when printer errors occur.
/OPERATOR Sends the specified message to the operator when the print job is started.
/PAGES Specifies a range of pages in the print job to print.
/PARAMETERS Specifies one or more PRINT parameters for controlling the print job.
/[NO]PASSALL Specifies whether to bypass DECprint Supervisor formatting of output.
/PRIORITY Specifies a priority for the print job.
/QUEUE Specifies the print queue for the print job.
/REMOTE Creates a print job on a remote node in the network.
/[NO]RESTART Enables the print job to be restarted after it has been interrupted.
/RETAIN Specifies the circumstances under which you want your jobs to be retained in a queue.
/SETUP Specifies a setup module to control printing of the print job.
/SINCE Specifies a date and time for the file selection qualifiers (/BACKUP, /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED) and selects files with dates after the specified date and time.
/[NO]SPACE Controls double-spaced output.
/[NO]TRAILER Controls file trailer pages.
/USER Specifies the user name for the print job.

Each qualifier is described in more detail with examples on the following pages.


/NOAFTER (default)

Specifies a time at which the print job should be released from the queue and printed. Without this qualifier, a print job is printed immediately or as soon as a printer becomes available.

For example, the following print job will be started after 6:00 p.m.:



/NOBACKUP (default)

Selects files to print based on the time that the files were last backed up. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier to specify the backup time. Other file selection qualifiers are /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If /BEFORE or /SINCE is used without any file selection qualifier, the file creation time is used.

For example, the following print job includes only the files named GROTON that were backed up before June 20, 2009:



/NOBEFORE (default)

Prints files dated before the specified time of file creation, backup, expiration, or modification. You can enter a keyword (TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY) instead of a time. Use this qualifier with one of the following qualifiers to change the file selection mode:
/BACKUP Selects files based on the time they were last backed up.
/CREATED Selects files based on the file creation time. (This is the default if no file selection qualifier is included.)
/EXPIRED Selects files based on the file expiration time.
/MODIFIED Selects files based on the time the file was last modified.

If you omit the /BEFORE qualifier, the specified files are printed, regardless of file creation, backup, modification, or expiration times.

For example, to print only the files named GROTON that were created before June 23, 2009, use the following command:



/NOBURST (default)

Specifies file burst pages printed before each copy of each file. The keyword ALL prints a burst page before each file; the keyword ONE prints a burst page before the first file in the job. This qualifier does not affect job burst pages. Refer to the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for more information about job separation pages.

For example, to include a burst page before GROTON.DAT but not before FARM.DAT, use the following command:



/NOBY_OWNER (default)

Prints only files with the specified UIC (user identification code). The default action is to print files regardless of the UIC.

For example, to print the files named FARM.DAT that have the UIC [MACDONALD], use the following command:



Prints files on a printer that has been defined with the specified characteristics. Use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL command to list the characteristics for the print queue.

For example, to print FARM.DAT on a printer with a characteristic defined as REDINK, use the following command:



/NOCONFIRM (default)

Sends a confirmation prompt for each file, to which you can reply Yes or No to allow or disallow printing of that file. If you do not include this qualifier, you receive no prompts to confirm printing of each file in the request.

For example, to print files named GROTON with confirmation of each file, use the following command:



Allows you to request multiple copies of a file. If you include this qualifier before the file specification, each file is printed n times. To obtain copies of a single file in a print job with multiple files, include this qualifier after the file specification. The default action if you do not include this qualifier is to print one copy of each file.

For example, to print two copies each of FARM.DAT and GROTON.DAT, use the following command:


When you use the /COPIES qualifier in a print job for DECprint Supervisor, the software must translate your file and transmit the file in PostScript form for each copy of the file that you request, if translation is required. This process increases the load on the computer system and can slow down your print job.

If you encounter problems when printing multiple copies of the files, use the /JOB_COUNT qualifier or separate PRINT commands to create a print job for each copy of the file.


/NOCREATED (default)

Selects files to print based on the file creation time. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier to specify the time. Other file selection qualifiers are /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED. If /BEFORE or /SINCE is used without any file selection qualifier, the file creation time is used.

For example, to print only the files named FARM that were created after June 4, 2009, use the following command:



/NODELETE (default)

Determines whether the system deletes the print file after printing. If you omit this qualifier, the default action is /NODELETE.

For example, to delete the file FARM.DAT after printing, use the the following command:



When you specify the /DELETE qualifier with the DECprint Supervisor software, the job controller always deletes the requested files, regardless of whether the print job was completed successfully.

For example, the following print job is not printed because the user entered an invalid SHEET_SIZE parameter (GREEN). Although the file is not printed, the job controller deletes the file.


Use the /DELETE qualifier with discretion.


/NOEXCLUDE (default)

Specifies files to be excluded from the print job (not printed with others that match the file specification). This qualifier is useful when wildcards are used in the file specification. The default action when you omit this qualifier is to print all files that match the file specification.

For example, to print all the files named FARM, except FARM.DAT, use the following command:



/NOEXPIRED (default)

Selects files to print based on the file expiration time. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier to specify the time. Other file selection qualifiers are /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED. If /BEFORE or /SINCE is used without any file selection qualifier, the file creation time is used.

For example, to print files named GROTON that are dated to expire before January 10, 2000, use the following command:



/NOFEED (default)

Controls whether form feed characters are inserted into the data stream when the bottom margin is reached. Use /NOFEED to specify no insertion of form feed characters into the print job. If you omit this qualifier, the default action is /FEED.

For example, to print FARM.DAT with form feed characters inserted at the bottom of each page, use the following command:



/NOFLAG (default)

Controls printing of a file flag page preceding the file. The keyword ALL prints a file flag page before each copy of each file in the print job; the keyword ONE prints a file flag page before the first file in the print job. When you omit this qualifier, the default action is the action determined by the system manager for the queue. (This qualifier does not affect job flag pages. Refer to the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for more information about job separation pages.)

For example, to print a flag page before each file in the print job, use the following command:



Specifies that your print job requires a form with a specific set of form characteristics, as described in Chapter 12. You can specify only form names that have been defined by the system manager.

If the stock type required for the form is not mounted, the print job is placed in a pending state and is released when the printer has the required stock type loaded.

For example, to print GROTON.RPT with form type SHORT$REPORT, use the following command:



/NOHEADER (default)

Prints a header line, with file name, page number, and file creation date, at every page break.

The header information is not inserted automatically; you must specify /HEADER to obtain header lines in the output. You can disable header line insertion using the /NOHEADER qualifier.

For example, to print FARM.DAT with header lines, use the following command:



/NOHOLD (default)

Specifies whether the print job should begin immediately or be held until a SET ENTRY/RELEASE command releases the job for printing. If you omit this qualifier, the print job is not held automatically.

To hold a print job until the SET ENTRY/RELEASE command releases the job, use the following command:


/IDENTIFY (default)


Specifies whether to display the print queue and print job's entry number when the print job is queued. /IDENTIFY is the default action.

For example, to suppress the display of the print queue and print job entry number when printing FARM.DAT, use the following command:



Prints the job n times. The value of n is 1--255. If you omit this qualifier, one copy of the print job is printed. You can use the /COPIES qualifier to specify multiple copies of a specific file in the multiple-file print job.

For example, to print FARM.DAT followed by GROTON.DAT three times, use the following command:


When you use /JOB_COUNT in a print job for the DECprint Supervisor, the software must translate your file and transmit the file in PostScript form for each copy of the file that you request, if translation is required. This process increases the load on the computer system and can slow down your print job.


/NOLOWERCASE (default)

Specifies that the print job requires lowercase printing. This qualifier does not apply to PostScript printers. If you include it in your print request, this qualifier is ignored and the print job is printed.


/NOMODIFIED (default)

Selects files for printing based on the time the file was last modified. Use this qualifier with the /BEFORE or /SINCE qualifier to specify the time. Other file selection qualifiers are /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED. If /BEFORE or /SINCE is used without any file selection qualifier, the file creation time is used.

For example, to print all the files named GROTON that were modified after June 19, 2009, use the following command:



Specifies the print job's name, which is printed on the job separation pages. The job name can contain up to 39 alphanumeric characters. The default job name is the name of the first file in the print job.

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