HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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For example, to print FARM.DAT with a job name AG_DATA, use the following command:



Specifies a message string of up to 255 characters to be printed on the job separation pages.

For example, to include a distribution location on the separation pages, use the following command:

    $ PRINT /NOTE="Send to second floor, Bin 7" FARM.DAT


/NONOTIFY (default)

Causes you to be notified when the job starts and finishes, and notifies you of errors that occur during the printing process and of messages returned by PostScript operators (such as print, pstack, =, and ==).

If you omit the /NOTIFY qualifier, the default action is not to display these print job messages.

For example, to ensure you are notified of print job status, use the following command:


If you use Distributed Queuing Service (DQS) software to queue print jobs to a remote printer, /NOTIFY returns job start and finish messages that may or may not represent the actual time of starting and ending printing. DQS suppresses the display of printer error messages and other messages from the printer on the user's terminal.


Specifies a message string to be sent to the operator when the print job starts. The message can contain up to 255 characters. Include quotation marks around the message string.

For example, to send the distribution location to the operator's terminal, use the following command:



Ignored by the DECprint Supervisor software. Use the PAGE_LIMIT parameter described in Section 1.7. If you include the /PAGES qualifier in a PRINT command to a PostScript printer, the qualifier is ignored and the print job is printed.


Specifies values for the DECprint Supervisor printing features. The parameters are listed in Appendix C.

For example, to include the SIDES parameter to print on two sides of a sheet, use the following command:



/NOPASSALL (default)

Maintains the original characteristics of the print job through printer processing, preventing /HEADER, margin processing, and tab emulation (described in Chapter 5). The /PASSALL qualifier does not prevent operations specified by the system manager with DEFINE/FORM/SETUP. If your print job uses a form definition, the form characteristics for that form type prevail. (Refer to Chapter 12 for more information.)

For example, to print the FARM.DAT file without the special processing described above, use the following command:



Specifies a priority number to be assigned to the print job. You can use this qualifier to ensure that print jobs are printed in a specific order. The value of n is 0--255. To set this priority higher than the system value of MAXQUEPRI, you must have operator (OPER) privileges.

For example, to print FARM.DAT with a lower priority than GROTON.DAT, and ensure that GROTON is printed first, enter two PRINT commands, as shown:



Specifies a print queue for printing the job. You supply the name of the execution queue or generic queue for queue-name. If you omit this qualifier, the print job is placed in the SYS$PRINT default queue, defined by the system manager.

To list the print queues at your site, use the SHOW QUEUE command, as described in Section 2.2.

For example, to print FARM.DAT on the printer for queue PS$DUPLEX, use the following command:



Initiates a remote print request on another system.

When you include this qualifier, the file to be printed must exist on the remote node. You must include the host node name in the file specification portion of your print request. The file is queued on the default print queue (SYS$PRINT) of the other system and takes the printer characteristics defined for that system. The /QUEUE and /PARAMETERS qualifiers are ignored when you use the /REMOTE qualifier.

For example, to print GROTON.DAT on a printer on node AGRO::, use the following command:



/NORESTART (default)

Requests that the print job be automatically restarted if the printer jams or stops.

A print job with multiple files or copies that depends on passing the PostScript parameters from one file to the next may not be restarted successfully. (See Section 1.5.)

Do not use /RESTART with printer jobs when you:

For example, to ensure that the print job for FARM.DAT in print queue ANSI$PSPRINT will be restarted, use the following command:



Specifies the circumstances under which you want your jobs to be retained in a queue. When a job is retained in the queue, you can issue the SHOW QUEUE command after the job completes to see the status of the job. Without job retention, no record of a job is left in a queue after a job completes.

Use the following options to specify job retention:
ALWAYS Holds the job in the queue regardless of the job's completion status.
DEFAULT Holds the job in the queue as specified by the queue's retention policy.
ERROR Holds the job in the queue only if the job completes unsuccessfully.
UNTIL= time-value Holds the job in the queue for the specified length of time, regardless of the job's completion status.


Includes the specified setup module (from the queue's device control libraries) with the print job. The system manager can add and modify setup modules in device control libraries.

You supply one or more setup module names from the queue's device control libraries. To include more than one module name, separate the module names with commas and enclose the set in parentheses.

For example, to include the PostScript modules 4UP_GRID and 4UP_WIDE with the print job for FARM.RPT, use the following command:



/NOSINCE (default)

Prints files dated after the specified time, selecting files dated after the specified date and time. You can include a keyword instead of the time, including TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY.

Use this qualifier with one of the following qualifiers to change the file selection mode:
/BACKUP Selects files based on the time they were last backed up.
/CREATED Selects files based on the file creation time. (This is the default if no file selection qualifier is included.)
/EXPIRED Selects files based on the file expiration time.
/MODIFIED Selects files based on the time the file was last modified.

For example, to print only the files named GROTON that were modified after June 1, 2009, use the following command:


If you omit the /SINCE qualifier, the specified files are printed regardless of file creation, backup, modification, or expiration times.


/NOSPACE (default)

Requests printouts with single-spacing or double-spacing (one blank line between each text line). Use /SPACE for double-spaced output. Use /NOSPACE for single-spaced output.

For example, to print FARM.DAT with double-spaced lines, use the following command:



/NOTRAILER (default)

Specifies whether to print file trailer pages at the end of each file. Include this qualifier between the PRINT command and the file specification. You can supply the keyword ALL to specify trailer pages after each file, or ONE to specify a trailer page only after the last file in the print job. If you omit this qualifier, the default action of the print queue is used.

This qualifier does not affect the output of the job trailer page. Refer to the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for more information about the job separation pages.

For example, to include a trailer page for all the files in the print job GROTON, use the following command:



Allows you to print a job for another user. You must have the CMKRNL privilege and R (read) access to the file to print a job for another user. When you omit this qualifier, the default action is to print files with your user name.

For example, to print the file named FARM.DAT for user JONES, enter the following command:


Appendix C
PRINT Command Parameters

The PRINT command accepts the /PARAMETERS qualifier to specify functions unique to the DECprint Supervisor software. Refer to Appendix B for more information about the PRINT command.

This appendix lists the PRINT command parameters that are used for specifying functions of the DECprint Supervisor software. See Table C-1 for a list of the parameters.

C.1 PRINT Parameters

Parameters consist of keywords and associated values. Use the PRINT /PARAMETERS command to include these parameters in your print job. The /PARAMETERS qualifier is a command qualifier, so all the files in the print job are subject to the parameters used in the /PARAMETERS qualifier.

Default PRINT parameters can also be associated with a queue by the system manager. See the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for information about associating parameters with specific print queues.

The PRINT command parameters for the DECprint Supervisor are listed in Table C-1 and are described in more detail in the sections listed in the table.

Table C-1 PRINT Parameters
Parameter Description Reference
DATA_TYPE Specifies the data type of the files in the print job. Chapter 1
FONTS_USED Specifies one or more device control library modules that contain SoftFonts kits. Section 5.4
INPUT_TRAY Specifies which input tray to use. Section 3.1
LAYUP_DEFINITION Specifies layup options or a layup definition file to be applied to the print job. Chapter 11
MEDIA_TYPE Specifies the media type on which the job will be printed. Section 3.1
MESSAGES Specifies creation of a log file or log page for print messages. Appendix A
NUMBER_UP Specifies the number of pages to be printed on each side of a sheet. Section 1.6
OUTPUT_TRAY Specifies the output tray to which the job will be sent. Section 3.2
PAGE_LIMIT Specifies the first and last pages to be printed. Section 1.7
PAGE_ORIENTATION Specifies the orientation to print data on the paper: portrait (vertically) or landscape (horizontally). Section 1.4
PAGE_SIZE Specifies the size of the logical page. Section 10.7
[NO]PUNCH Specifies whether to punch job output. Section 15.1
SHEET_COUNT Specifies how many copies of each sheet to print. Section 1.5
SHEET_SIZE Specifies the sheet size for the printer stock. Section 10.4
SIDES Specifies whether to print the job on one or two sides of a sheet. Section 1.3
STAPLE Specifies whether to staple the job and where the staple should be positioned. Section 15.2
[NO]TAB Selects whether DECprint Supervisor software or the ANSI translator performs tab expansion. Section 5.3

Using parameters other than those listed in Table C-1 results in a command syntax failure, as described in Appendix A.

C.2 Syntax for PRINT Parameters

When you specify the PRINT command with the /PARAMETERS qualifier, be sure to follow these syntactic conventions:

The DECprint Supervisor software checks for syntax and value limits at the time the file is printed, not when the PRINT command is first entered. If a print job contains an error in the parameters, it is aborted and an error message is displayed on your terminal if you included the /NOTIFY qualifier in the PRINT command.

C.3 Order of Defaulting for Parameters

Print parameters can be specified in the PRINT command or as default queue parameters in the printer startup file. If a parameter is not specified, the standard printer default value is used. The value for a parameter specified in a PRINT command takes precedence over the value of the default queue parameter.

The default queue parameter for a generic queue supersedes the default queue parameter defined for the execution queue. However, if there is a syntax error in the generic queue definition, the default queue parameter for the execution queue is used. Refer to the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for information about setting up default queue parameters.

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