BASEstartm Classic DAS
for Allen-Bradley
Installation and User's Guide

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Appendix A
Allen-Bradley PLC-5/250 Addressing

Table A-1 provides the addressing mnemonics for Allen-Bradley PLC-5/250 models.

Table A-1 Supported PLC-5 / 250 Addresses and Data Types
Data Section PLC Address Format PLC Format Byte Size
Outputs $O:000/000 - $O377/15 Unsigned Word 2
Inputs $I000/00 - $I377/15 Unsigned Word 2
Forced internal Storage $IS:000 - $IS:777 Signed Word 2
Binary $nB0000:0000/00 - $nB9999:9999/15 Signed Word 2
Integer $nN0000:0000/00 - $nN9999:9999/15 Signed word 2
Long Integer $nL0000:0000/00 - $nL9999:9999/15 Signed long 4
Floating point $nF0000:0000/00 - $nF9999:9999/15 Floating Point 1 4
Addapter Status $AS00:0,1,2,3 - $AS37:0,1,2,3 Structure 4
System Public Status $0S:0 - $0S:350 Word 2
Module Public Status $nS:0 - $nS:20 Word 2
Timer structure $nT0000:0000/00 - $nT9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.TT Timing Bit
.DN Done Bit
.PRE Preset Value Long
.ACC Accumulated Value Long
Structure 12
Counter Structure $nC0000:0000/00 - $nC9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.CU Up Enable Bit
.CD Down Enable Bit
.DN Done Bit
.OV Overflow Bit
.UN Underflow Bit
.PRE Preset Value Word
.ACC Accumulated Value Word
Structure 6
String $nST0000:0000/00 - $nST9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.LEN Length Word
.DATA[] Position 82 Bytes
Structure 2 84
Control $nR0000:0000/00 - $nR9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.WU Enable Unloading Bit
.DN Done Bit
.EM Empty Bit
.ER Error Bit
.UL Unload Bit
.IN Inhibit Comparisons Bit
.FD Found Bit
.LEN Length Word
.POS Position word
Structure 6
Message Control $nMSG0000:0000 - $nMSG9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.ST Start Transmision Bit
.AD Asynchronous Done Bit
.AE Asynchronous Error Bit
.CO Continuous Bit
.EW Enabled Waiting Bit
.DN Done Bit
.ER Error Bit
.ERR Error Code Word
.RLEN Requested Length Word
.DLEN Done Length Word
.DATA Reserved/Interim Use 52 Words
Structure 112
PID Control $nPD0000:0000/00 - $nPD9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.CT Cascaded Type Bit
.CL Cascaded Loop Bit
.PVT PV Tracking Bit
.DO Derivative Of Bit
.SWM Software A/M Mode Bit
.CA Control Action Bit
.MO Mode Bit
.PE PID Equation Bit
.INI PID Initialized Bit
.SPOR SP Out of Range Bit
.OLL Output Limit Low Bit
.OLH Output Limit High Bit
.EWD Error Within Deadband Bit
.DVNA Deviation High Alarm Bit
.DVPA Deviation Low Alarm Bit
.PVLA PV Low Alarm Bit
.PVHA PV High Alarm Bit
Structure 164
PID Control $nPD0000:0000/00 - $nPD9999:9999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.SP Setpoint Floating
.KP Proportional Gain Floating
.KI Integral Gain Floating
.KD Derivative Time Floating
.BIAS Output Bias % Floating
.MAXS Setpoint Maximum Floating
.MINS Setpoint Minimum Floating
.DB Deadband Floating
.SO Set Output % Floating
.MAXO Output Limit High % Floating
.MINO Output Limit Low % Floating
.UPD Update Time Floating
.PV Process Variable Floating
.ERR Error Floating
.OUT Output Floating
.PVH PV Alarm High Floating
.PVL PV Alarm Low Floating
.DVP Deviation Alarm + Floating
.DVN Deviation Alarm - Floating
.PVDB PV Deadband Floating
.MAXI Input Range Maximum Floating
.MINI Input Range Minimum Floating
.TIE Tieback % Floating
.ADDR Address of Master Loop % bytes
.DVDB Deviation Alarm Deadband Floating
.DATA[] Reserved/Interim Use 14 Floating
Structure 164

1In IEEE 32 bit floating point format.
2Data in the .DATA portion of the structure is byte swaped.

Appendix B
Allen-Bradley PLC-5 Family Addressing

Table B-1 provides the addressing mnemonics for Allen-Bradley PLC-5 family models.

Table B-1 Supported PLC-5 Family Addresses and Data Types
Data Section PLC Address Format PLC Format Byte Size
Outputs $O0/0 - $O37/17 ($O277/17 for new models) Unsigned Word 2
Inputs $I0/0 - $I37/17 ($I1277/17 for new models) Unsigned Word 2
ASCII 2 $A:3/0 - $A999:999/15 Signed Word 2
BCD $D?:0/0 - $D999:999/15 Signed Word 2
Binary $B3:0/0 - $B999:999/15 Signed Word 2
Integer $N7:0/0 - $N999:999/15 Signed word 2
Floating point $F8:0/0 - $F999:999/15 Floating Point 1 4
System Public Status $S:0/0 - $S:128/15 Word 2
Timer structure $T4:0 - $T999:999
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.TT Timing Bit
.DN Done Bit
.PRE Preset Value Word
.ACC Accumulated Value Word
Structure 6
Counter Structure $C5:0 - $C999:999
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.CU Up Enable Bit
.CD Down Enable Bit
.DN Done Bit
.OV Overflow Bit
.UN Underflow Bit
.PRE Preset Value Word
.ACC Accumulated Value Word
Structure 6
Control $R6:0 - $R999:999
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.EU Enable Unloading Bit
.DN Done Bit
.EM Empty Bit
.ER Error Bit
.UL Unload Bit
.IN Inhibit Comparisons Bit
.FD Found Bit
.LEN Length Word
.POS Position word
Structure 6
Message 2 $MG9:0 - $MG999:584
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.NR No Response Bit
.EN Enable Bit
.TO Timeout Bit
.ST Start Bit
.AD Async done Bit
.AE Async error Bit
.CO Continuous Bit
.EW Enable waiting Bit
.DN Done Bit
.ER Error Bit
.ERR Error Word
.RLEN Receive length Word
.DLEN Done length Word
Structure 112
PID Control 2 $PD9:000 - $PD999:398
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.CT Cascaded Type Bit
.CL Cascaded Loop Bit
.PVT PV Tracking Bit
.DO Derivative Of Bit
.SWM Software A/M Mode Bit
.CA Control Action Bit
.MO Mode Bit
.PE PID Equation Bit
.INI PID Initialized Bit
.SPOR SP Out of Range Bit
.OLL Output Limit Low Bit
.OLH Output Limit High Bit
.EWD Error Within Deadband Bit
.DVNA Deviation High Alarm Bit
.DVPA Deviation Low Alarm Bit
.PVLA PV Low Alarm Bit
.PVHA PV High Alarm Bit
Structure 164
PID Control 2 $PD9:000 - $PD999:398
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.SP Setpoint Floating
.KP Proportional Gain Floating
.KI Integral Gain Floating
.KD Derivative Time Floating
.BIAS Output Bias % Floating
.MAXS Setpoint Maximum Floating
.MINS Setpoint Minimum Floating
.DB Deadband Floating
.SO Set Output % Floating
.MAXO Output Limit High % Floating
.MINO Output Limit Low % Floating
.UPD Update Time Floating
.PV Process Variable Floating
.ERR Error Floating
.OUT Output Floating
.PVH PV Alarm High Floating
.PVL PV Alarm Low Floating
.DVP Deviation Alarm + Floating
.DVN Deviation Alarm - Floating
.PVDB PV Deadband Floating
.MAXI Input Range Maximum Floating
.MINI Input Range Minimum Floating
.TIE Tieback % Floating
.ADDR Address of Master Loop % bytes
.DVDB Deviation Alarm Deadband Floating
.DATA Reserved/Interim Use 14 Floating
Structure 164
SFC status 2 $SC9:0/0 - $SC999:999/15
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.SA Scan active Bit
.FS First Scan Bit
.LS Last Scan Bit
.OV Timer overflow Bit
.ER Step errored Bit
.TIM Active Time Word
.PRE Preset Value Word
Structure 6
String $ST0:0 - $ST999:779
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.LEN Length Word
.DATA Position 82 Bytes
Structure 2 84

1In IEEE 32 bit floating point format.
2Not supported on PLC-5/10, -5/12, -5/15, -5/25 models.

Appendix C
Allen-Bradley SLC Family Addressing

Table C-1 provides the addressing mnemonics for Allen-Bradley SLC family models.

Table C-1 Supported SLC Family Addresses and Data Types
Data Section PLC Address Format PLC Format Byte Size
Outputs $O0.0/0 - $O30.255/15 Unsigned Word 2
Inputs $I0.0/0 - $I30.255/15 Unsigned Word 2
ASCII 1 $A:?/0 - $A255:255/15 Signed Word 2
BCD $D?:0/0 - $D255:255/15 Signed Word 2
Binary $B3:0/0 - $B255:255/15 Signed Word 2
Integer $N7:0/0 - $N255:255/15 Signed word 2
Floating point 2 $F8:0/0 - $F255:255/15 Floating Point 1 4
System Status $S:0/0 - $S:? 3/15 Word 2
Timer structure $T4:0 - $T255:255
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.TT Timing Bit
.DN Done Bit
.PRE Preset Value Word
.ACC Accumulated Value Word
Structure 6
Counter Structure $C5:0 - $C255:255
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.CU Up Enable Bit
.CD Down Enable Bit
.DN Done Bit
.OV Overflow Bit
.UN Underflow Bit
.UA 4 Update Accumulator Bit
.PRE Preset Value Word
.ACC Accumulated Value Word
Structure 6
Control $R6:0 - $R255:255
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.EN Enable Bit
.EU Enable Unloading Bit
.DN Done Bit
.EM Empty Bit
.ER Error Bit
.UL Unload Bit
.IN Inhibit Comparisons Bit
.FD Found Bit
.LEN Length Word
.POS Position word
Structure 6
String 1 $ST0:0 - $ST999:779
Mnemonic Instruction Type
.LEN Length Word
.DATA Position 82 Bytes
Structure 84

1Not available on SLC 500, SLC 5/01, SLC 5/02 and SLC 5/03 processors.
2In IEEE 32 bit floating point format.
3Processor dependent.
4Available only in SLC 500 fixed style processors equipped with a High Speed Counter.

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