HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual

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Part 2
Part 2 OpenVMS System Code Debugger and System Dump Debugger
Chapter 11
11 OpenVMS System Code Debugger
     11.1     User-Interface Options
     11.2     Building a System Image to Be Debugged
     11.3     Setting Up the Target System for Connections
         11.3.1         Making Connections Between the Target Kernel and the System Code Debugger
         11.3.2         Interactions Between XDELTA and the Target Kernel/System Code Debugger
         11.3.3         Interactions between the Target Kernel, the System Code Debugger, and other system components
     11.4     Setting Up the Host System
     11.5     Starting the System Code Debugger
     11.6     Summary of System Code Debugger Commands
     11.7     Using System Dump Analyzer Commands
     11.8     System Code Debugger Network Information
     11.9     Troubleshooting Checklist
     11.10     Troubleshooting Network Failures
     11.11     Access to Symbols in OpenVMS Executive Images
         11.11.1         Overview of How the OpenVMS Debugger Maintains Symbols
         11.11.2         Overview of OpenVMS Executive Image Symbols
         11.11.3         Possible Problems You May Encounter
     11.12     Sample System Code Debugging Session
Chapter 12
12 OpenVMS System Dump Debugger
     12.1     User-Interface Options
     12.2     Preparing a System Dump to Be Analyzed
     12.3     Setting Up the Test System
     12.4     Setting Up the Build System
     12.5     Starting the System Dump Debugger
     12.6     Summary of System Dump Debugger Commands
     12.7     Using System Dump Analyzer Commands
     12.8     Limitations of the System Dump Debugger
     12.9     Access to Symbols in OpenVMS Executive Images
     12.10     Sample System Dump Debugging Session
Part 3
Part 3 OpenVMS Alpha Watchpoint Utility
Chapter 13
13 Watchpoint Utility (Alpha Only)
     13.1     Introduction
     13.2     Initializing the Watchpoint Utility
     13.3     Creating and Deleting Watchpoints
         13.3.1         Using the $QIO Interface
         13.3.2         Invoking WPDRIVER Entry Points from System Routines
     13.4     Data Structures
         13.4.1         Watchpoint Restore Entry (WPRE)
         13.4.2         Watchpoint Control Blocks (WPCB)
         13.4.3         Trace Table Entries (WPTTEs)
     13.5     Analyzing Watchpoint Results
     13.6     Watchpoint Protection Overview
     13.7     Restrictions
Part 4
Part 4 OpenVMS System Service Logging Utility
Chapter 14
14 System Service Logging
     14.1     Overview
     14.2     Enabling Logging
     14.3     Disabling Logging
     14.4     Displaying Logged Information
    Command 206     ANALYZE/SSLOG
    Command 207     RUN/SSLOG_ENABLE
    Command 208     SET PROCESS/SSLOG
6-1 Example
11-1 Booting an Alpha Target System
11-2 Booting an Integrity server Target System
11-3 Invoking the Alpha System Code Debugger
11-4 Invoking the Integrity server System Code Debugger
11-5 Connecting to the Target System
11-6 Target System Connection Display
11-7 Setting a Breakpoint
11-8 Finding the Source Code
11-9 Using the Set Mode Screen Command
11-10 Using the SCROLL/UP DEBUG Command
11-11 Breakpoint Display
11-12 Using the Debug Step Command
11-13 Using the Examine and Show Calls Commands
11-14 Canceling the Breakpoints
11-15 Using the Step/Return Command
11-16 Using the Show Image Command
12-1 Invoking the System Dump Debugger
12-2 Accessing the System Dump
12-3 Displaying the Source Code
12-4 Using the Examine and Show Calls Commands
2-1 Alpha Mechanism Array
2-2 Integrity server Mechanism Array
2-3 Signal Array
2-4 64-Bit Signal Array
2-5 Alpha Exception Stack Frame
2-6 Integrity servers Exception Stack Frame
2-7 Integrity servers Exception Stack Frame (cont.)
2-8 Stack Following an Illegal Page-Fault Error
11-1 Maintaining Symbols
13-1 Format of Data Returned in Buffer
2-1 Definitions of Bits in DUMPSTYLE
2-2 Comparison of Full and Selective Dumps
2-3 SDA Unary Operators
2-4 SDA Binary Operators
2-5 Modules Containing SDA Global Symbols and Data Structures
2-6 SDA Symbols Defined on Initialization
2-7 SDA Symbols Defined by SET CPU Command
2-8 SDA Symbols Defined by SET PROCESS Command
2-9 Contents of the Alpha Mechanism Array
2-10 Contents of the Integrity server Argument Mechanism Array
2-11 Alpha Exception Stack Frame Values
2-12 Integrity servers Exception Stack Frame Values
2-13 Integrity server Access Codes for Page Protections
4-1 Dump Sections
4-2 Modules Defining Global Locations Within Executive Images
4-3 SET RMS Command Keywords for Displaying Process RMS Information
4-4 SHOW DEVICE Symbols
4-5 Global Section Table Entry Information
4-6 GSD Fields
4-7 Contents of the SHOW LOCKS and SHOW PROCESS/LOCKS Displays
4-8 Virtual Page Information in the SHOW PAGE_TABLE Display
4-9 Types of Virtual Pages
4-10 Bits In the PTE
4-11 Physical Page Information in the SHOW PAGE_TABLE Display
4-12 Types of Physical Pages
4-13 Locations of Physical Pages
4-14 Command Options with the /COLOR and /RAD Qualifiers
4-15 PFN Data---Fields in Line One
4-16 PFN Data---Fields in Line Two
4-17 PFN Data---Fields in Line Three
4-18 Flags Set in Page State
4-19 /TYPE and /SUBTYPE Qualifier Examples
4-20 Options for the /WORKING_SET_LIST Qualifier
4-21 Working Set List Entry Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
4-22 Process Section Table Entry Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
4-23 Process Active Channels in the SHOW PROCESS Display
4-24 Process I/O Channel Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
4-25 Image Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
4-26 Resource Information in the SHOW RESOURCES Display
4-27 Lock Modes on Resources
4-28 RMD Fields
4-29 Static Spinlocks
4-30 Process Information in the SHOW SUMMARY Display
4-31 Current State Information
4-32 TQE Types in Summary TQE Display
4-33 VHPT Fields
6-1 Commands for the Alignment Fault Utility
7-1 SDA Commands for the OCLA Utility
10-1 SDA$EXTEND Arguments
10-2 Alpha ISD_LABELS Index
10-3 Integrity server ISD_Labels Index
13-1 Driver Supported Functions
13-2 Returned Status Codes
13-3 Returned Status Values

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