Compaq TP Desktop Connector
for ACMS
Installation Guide

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3.3.2 Building the Avertz ACMS Sample with DECforms V1.4

The VR_FORM.IFDL file of the Avertz ACMS sample application cannot be compiled under DECforms Version 1.4. This is because the DECforms Version 1.4 IFDL parser no longer recognizes the colon symbol (:), which the VR_FORM.IFDL file uses.

To get around this problem, put double quotation marks around the text containing the ":" symbol in the VR_FORM.IFDL file.

For example, change the following:

            AVERTZ_CDD_FIELD:CUSTOMER_ID from Dictionary 
       End Copy 

To look like:

            "AVERTZ_CDD_FIELD:CUSTOMER_ID" from Dictionary 
       End Copy 

3.3.3 User Name Quotas for the Avertz ACMS Sample

The VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM command file assigns quotas for the AVERTZ_EXC, AVERTZ_UPD, and AVERTZ_READ user names that are adequate for running the VR_DA_APPL sample application. If your system already has these user names defined, the quotas for these user names might be inadequate for VR_DA_APPL. If you are using the AVERTZ sample application, delete the AVERTZ_EXC, AVERTZ_UPD, and AVERTZ_READ user names before running VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM to ensure that you get appropriate quotas for these user names.

To ensure the success of the operations in the VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM command procedure, run it from the system account.

3.3.4 Access Control List for the Avertz ACMS Sample

The VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM procedure adds the AVERTZ application name VR_DA_APPL to the ACMS database. The command line to do so includes the ACL qualifier and assigns the ID as /ID=SYSTEM. This might fail on your system.

To ensure that the VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM procedure works, change the ID=SYSTEM to ID=[UIC], where UIC is that of the account SYSTEM; for example, ID=[1,4].

3.3.5 Rebuilding the Avertz ACMS Sample

Executables are provided for the sample. You do not need to rebuild the sample to run it. However, a DEC/MMS description file is provided for rebuilding the sample to incorporate any changes you make to the sample.

To modify and rebuild the sample, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the sample sources to another directory.
  2. Use the command procedure VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM to rebuild the sample under a different ADB name in that directory:
    1. Create the CDD directories for the AVERTZ components.
    2. Define logical names.
      If you are using a directory other than ACMSDI$EXAMPLES_AVERTZ for rebuilding the sample, edit the logical name definitions in the VR_DA_BLD_LOGICALS.COM command procedure to point to your file and CDD directories. Make these edits before running the BLD portion of the VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM command procedure.
    3. Perform other setup and build activities.
  3. Run the command procedure VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM without parameters:


    All the setup and build activities are performed.

To perform a specific activity, specify one of the parameters in Table 6-3.

Table 3-2 VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM Parameters
Keyword Activity
BLD Run MMS to build VR_DA_APPL
CDD Set up the CDD dictionary and directories for VR_DA_APPL
DB Create the VEHICLE_RENTALS database

Part 2
Using the TPware Product Suite CD

Part 2 describes Compaq TP Desktop Connector software installation from the TPware Product Suite CD on a Windows 32-bit system.

This part covers the client-side software and samples, but not the server-side software and samples. See Part 3 for the server-side instructions.

If you install the software from the Software Products Library CD, see Part 1.

Chapter 4
Before Installing TP Desktop Connector Software

This chapter describes the preparations and requirements necessary for installing Compaq TP Desktop Connector software and also contains information on removing TP Desktop Connector software from Win32 platforms. Your bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Compaq representative.

4.1 Installation Overview

The TPware Product Suite CD contains all the software required for development or deployment of TP Desktop Connector client applications, except for the gateway needed to connect to an ACMS system. The gateway software is distributed separately. Table 4-1 lists the contents of the TPware Product Suite CD.

As shown in Table 4-1, all TP Desktop Connector files are provided on the TPware Product Suite CD. This compact disk is in ISO9660 standard format and contains executable programs that install the appropriate files. You must have a Windows NT or Windows 95/98 system with a CD drive on which to run the installation procedures that are described in Chapter 5.

TP Desktop Connector supports the following platforms in addition to 32-bit Microsoft operating systems (Windows NT and Windows 95/98):

If you are developing TP Desktop Connector client applications for any of the above non--Win32 systems, you must install the client services files yourself. Refer to Chapters 6 and 7.

Table 4-1 Contents of the TPware Product Suite CD
Name Contents
\alpha32 Runtime and development kit for the entire TPware product suite on Compaq Alpha platforms running Microsoft Windows NT
\dunix TP Desktop Connector client services 1 and samples for Tru64 UNIX systems
\install_guides Installation guides for all of the TPware products, formatted for Web browsing
\intel16 TP Desktop Connector client services 1 and samples for 16-bit Microsoft operating systems (DOS, Windows 3.11, or Windows 95) on Intel platforms
\intel32 Runtime and development kit for the entire TPware product suite on Intel platforms running 32-bit Microsoft operating systems (Windows NT or Windows 95/98)
\mac TP Desktop Connector client services 1 and samples for Apple Macintosh systems
\vmsalpha TP Desktop Connector client services 1 and samples for OpenVMS Alpha systems
\vmsvax TP Desktop Connector client services 1 and samples for OpenVMS VAX systems
Information on new features and known restrictions for all three TP Desktop Connector kits
Information on new features and known restrictions for Application Optimizer for Windows NT
Information on new features and known restrictions for Portable TP for Windows NT
Information on new features and known restrictions for TP Web Connector

1Formerly known as the ACMS Desktop "portable API" services.

4.2 Preparing to Install TP Desktop Connector Software

Ensure that your system meets the software requirements. Minimum software requirements needed to install the TP Desktop Connector software and build client applications that run with ACMS systems are shown in the Software Product Description (SPD), a copy of which is included in the product kit.

4.2.1 Product Licenses

To install TP Desktop Connector products, you must have a Product License Key. This is a paper certificate that contains information about the license you have to run a particular piece of software. You are asked to enter the license key during the installation procedure.

4.2.2 Disk Space

Installing TP Desktop Connector software requires a certain amount of free storage space, which depends on the platform you use. Table 4-2 shows the storage requirements for TP Desktop Connector software.

Table 4-2 TP Desktop Connector Disk Space Requirements
  Intel Alpha
Kilobytes (KB) 6 063 6 517


These are the minimum disk space requirements. These estimates, though conservative, are not always an accurate indicator of the disk space used on a particular machine. System disk configuration, including the size of the disk sector and the number of sectors per cluster, cannot be determined by the installation program. Therefore, some systems require more space.

See Table 6-2 for the disk space required for TP Desktop Connector client services software on non--Win32 systems.

4.3 Removing the Installed Software

You might decide to remove the installed TPware software to upgrade to a new TPware software version, or for other reasons. Note that when you remove the software, you lose the settings defined in the TPware Management Utility. Before removing the software, refer to the Release Notes for instructions on saving your management settings.

You can remove the installed TP Desktop Connector software from your system using either the shortcut provided in the TPware products program group, or the system Add/Remove Programs utility.


The uninstall procedure removes all currently installed TPware products.

Chapter 5
Installing TP Desktop Connector Software on Win32 Systems

This chapter describes the procedures for installing or reinstalling the Compaq TP Desktop Connector software from the TPware Product Suite CD on Microsoft Windows NT running on an Intel or a Compaq Alpha system, or Windows 95/98 on an Intel system. This chapter also contains information on postinstallation tasks on Windows NT or Windows 95/98 systems.

For information on installing TP Desktop Connector software on non--Win32 platforms, see Chapters 6 and 7.

For information on installing TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS software, see Part 3 of this guide (Chapters 8 through 11).

5.1 TP Desktop Connector Software Installation Procedure

To install TP Desktop Connector software, run one of the setup programs provided on the TPware Product Suite CD. Double-click one of the following:


Replace E: with the correct drive letter for your system.

The setup program displays a splash screen and a progress indicator while it initializes its wizard. When setup starts, you see a series of dialog boxes. The following table lists the operations associated with the command buttons in the dialog boxes.
To do this... Click this button:
Complete the choices in a dialog box and continue Next
Return to a previous dialog box Back
Exit without completing the installation Cancel

Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes to select installation of TP Desktop Connector.

The setup utility checks whether there is sufficient disk storage, copies the appropriate files, and performs registry operations.

If setup finds that a requisite software product is not installed or that the minimum version of a requisite product is not on the system, it displays a Warning box showing the product name and version. The installation might continue after the warning or it might fail, depending on the prerequisite. If the installation continues, you must install the prerequisite software before you can actually use TP Desktop Connector software.

5.2 After Installing TP Desktop Connector Software

This section describes some procedures you might want to perform after you copy files from the OpenVMS system (see Section or after the setup program finishes (see Section 5.1).

5.2.1 Setting Up the TPware Environment

Before developing TPware client applications, you must set up the environment variables that TPware software requires. To do this, run the command file installed by the setup program:



All examples show the default location. If you chose a different destination while running setup, substitute your own drive and folder for C:\TPware.

5.2.2 Accessing the ACMS System

For access to a Compaq ACMS transaction processing system, the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS must be installed on the OpenVMS system. The gateway software is distributed on a separate CD; instructions for installing it are contained in Part 3 of this guide.

5.2.3 Defining the Network Transport for the Client Services Interface

TP Desktop Connector software supports both DECnet and TCP/IP network transports for Windows NT or Windows 95/98 clients. The product files include two versions of the client application's dynamic link library (DLL); one for DECnet and one for TCP/IP. These files are installed, by default, in:


To set up the TP Desktop Connector software for your network transport, copy the appropriate DLL from the installation folder to your working directory, and rename it acmsdi.dll. The acmsdiDN.dll provides DECnet support and works with PATHWORKS 32. The acmsdiWS.dll provides TCP/IP support and also works with PATHWORKS 32.

5.2.4 Verifying the TP Desktop Connector Installation

To verify that your TP Desktop Connector software is installed correctly, you can run one of the sample applications provided.

If you are developing an application that uses the Adapter Interface (refer to Compaq TP Desktop Connector Getting Started), both the sample applications and the instructions for running them are online. To read the instructions, choose the ACMS Samples item from the TP Desktop Connector for ACMS menu in the TPware Products program group.

For a TP Desktop Connector application that uses the Client Services Interface,* you must have platform-specific TP Desktop Connector client software on your development system. All the client services files are on the TPware Product Suite CD. If you are developing a TP Desktop Connector client application that uses the Client Services Interface, in a non--Win32 operating system, you must transfer the TP Desktop Connector client services files to your desktop development system yourself. How to do this varies according to platform:

If you are developing a TP Desktop Connector client application that uses the Client Services Interface on a Win32 system, the client services files are installed on your desktop by the setup program with the rest of the development tools. The instructions for setting up the client services and running the sample programs are in Sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6. You do not need to read Chapters 6 and 7.

5.2.5 Running the Win32 Sample Client Applications

TP Desktop Connector client services include two sample applications for Win32 clients:

The following files provide memory copy procedures and can be used to help with interfacing Visual Basic Win32 programs with the TP Desktop Connector client services:

To verify the success of your TP Desktop Connector client services installation, you can run the Visual Basic sample application. Follow these steps:

  1. Start up the Visual Basic development environment in Windows 95.
  2. Open the VBAVERTZ project.
  3. Verify that all the required files were loaded (see the VBAVERTZ project window):
    Double click each item in the project window to verify that it loads properly.
  4. Run the interpreted version of VBAVERTZ (choose the Start command from the Run menu).

5.2.6 Code Conversion Libraries for Kanji

TP Desktop Connector client services (on Windows 95 systems only) provides code conversion libraries for Kanji users, which convert Shift JIS code to DEC Kanji code and DEC Kanji code to Shift JIS code. You can link these libraries with your client application, if it requires Kanji code conversion.

The following files are installed for Kanji applications:

For usage information, refer to either the PostScript or the text version of the Japanese conversion guide.


* Formerly known as the ACMS Desktop "portable API", and as opposed to the new TPware automation interface.

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