Compaq TP Desktop Connector
for ACMS
Installation Guide

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6.2.8 Installing the PowerBuilder Sample Application

There is a PowerBuilder Version 5.0 sample application provided as a self-extracting archive file named i16pbkit.exe. This sample is a simplified version of the original Avertz for Windows; it illustrates the execution of an ACMS task with no exchange I/O.

The archive provides a PowerBuilder library, pbaverz.pbl, that contains the PowerBuilder objects for the Avertz client application, and a dynamic-link library, pbpointr.dll that is required for memory management when building PowerBuilder applications that use TP Desktop Connector gateway for ACMS services.

If you install the software from the TPware Product Suite CD (see Section 5.1), transfer the archive file from the Windows NT system to your desktop system. For example:

C:\ACMSDI> mkdir pbsmp
C:\ACMSDI> cd pbsmp
C:\ACMSDI\PBSMP> copy e:\intel16\i16pbkit.exe

If you install the software from the Software Products Library CD (see Section, change directory to the location containing the client files.

To install the software, execute the archive file and delete it to recover disk space. For example:

C:\ACMSDI\PBSMP> i16pbkit.exe
C:\ACMSDI\PBSMP> del i16pbkit.exe

Table A-7 lists the files that are added to your system. For instructions on using the PowerBuilder sample, read the three .doc files shown in Table A-7.

6.2.9 Installing the Visual Basic Sample Applications

There are two Visual Basic sample applications provided in the form of self-extracting archive files. The file \intel16\Samples\i16vbavz.exe contains the files for the same sample that was provided for ACMS Desktop V2.0; it is a blocking, no exchange I/O client.

The file i16vbfnb.exe (in the same folder) contains the files of a tutorial sample showing how to program to the new TP Desktop Connector gateway for ACMS forced non-blocking interface. This interface allows languages like Visual Basic to issue non-blocking calls to TP Desktop Connector gateway for ACMS and provides support for programming ACMS exchange I/O interface calls.

If you install the software from the TPware Product Suite CD (see Section 5.1), transfer the archive file from the Windows NT system to your desktop system. For example:

C:\ACMSDI> mkdir vbavertz 
C:\ACMSDI> cd vbavertz 
C:\ACMSDI\VBAVERTZ> copy e:\Samples\i16vbavz.exe

If you install the software from the Software Products Library CD (see Section, change directory to the location containing the client files.

To install the sample software, execute the archive file and delete it to recover disk space. For example:

C:\ACMSDI\VBAVERTZ> i16vbavz.exe 
C:\ACMSDI\VBAVERTZ> del i16vbavz.exe 

Table A-8 lists the files added to your system from the Avertz archive; Table A-9 lists the files from the Forced Nonblocking tutorial. Verifying the Visual Basic Avertz Sample Installation

To verify the success of the Visual Basic sample installation, bring up the Visual Basic development environment under Microsoft Windows:

  1. Open the VBAVERTZ.MAK project using the Open command in the File menu.
  2. Verify that all the required files were loaded. (See the VBAVERTZ.MAK project window):
    Double click on each entry in the project window to verify that it loads properly.
  3. Run the interpreted version of VBAVERTZ, by selecting the Start command in the Run menu. Verifying the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial

To verify the successful installation of the Forced Nonblocking tutorial (from file i16vbfnb.exe), bring up the Visual Basic development environment in Microsoft Windows:

  1. Open the FNBSAMPL.MAK project using the Open command in the File menu.
  2. Add files ACMSDI.BAS and FORMS.BAS to the FNBSAMPL project by selecting Add File from the File menu.


    ACMSDI.BAS and FORMS.BAS were installed on your system as described in Section 6.2.
  3. Add file CONSTANT.TXT from the C:\VB directory.
  4. Verify that all of the required files were loaded. (See the FMBSAMPL.MAK project window):
    Double click each entry in the project window to verify that it loads properly.
  5. Run the interpreted version of FNBSAMPL by selecting the Start command from the Run menu.

6.3 Installing the Client Services for OpenVMS

The client services files for OpenVMS are provided as a compressed saveset that you can copy from the TPware CD mounted on your desktop platform. After copying the client services software, you decompress the file and restore the saveset.

Follow these instructions to install the client services for OpenVMS:

  1. Create the client services directory on the desktop system.
    Note that this directory must be created from a user account, not from the system account.

    $ create/dir [.acmsdi]

  2. Copy the file to the newly created directory.

    For OpenVMS VAX systems:

    $ set def [.acmsdi]
    $ copy cd:[vmsvax]vms_client.exe []
    $ run vms_client.exe  
    [Return] accept the default output filename
    $ backup vms_client.sav/save *.*/log  <>

    For OpenVMS Alpha systems:

    $ set def [.acmsdi]
    $ copy cd:[vmsalpha]vms_client.exe []
    $ run vms_client.exe  
    [Return] accept the default output filename
    $ backup vms_client.sav/save *.*/log  <>

  3. The TP Desktop Connector library is preconfigured for DECnet network access. To build applications that use NetWare or TCP/IP as a transport, you must reconfigure the library before creating executable programs.
    The following steps are necessary to set up the TP Desktop Connector library for NetWare or TCP/IP access:
    1. Remove the DECnet object from the library with the following command:

      $ library/delete = net_decnet acmsdi$client_objlib.olb

    2. For NetWare, insert the NetWare transport access module into the library with the following command:

      $ library/insert acmsdi$client_objlib.olb net_netware.obj

      For TCP/IP, insert the TCP/IP transport access module into the library with the following command:

      $ library/insert acmsdi$client_objlib.olb net_tcpip.obj

After these steps, you are ready to build TP Desktop Connector applications that use NetWare or TCP/IP as a transport. Table A-1 shows the files that are added to your desktop system during the installation of the TP Desktop Connector client services for OpenVMS.

6.3.1 Installing the Motif Sample Client for OpenVMS

To install the Motif sample files on the OpenVMS desktop system, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a directory on the desktop system to contain the sample files and move to that directory:

    $ create/dir [.motif_avertz]
    $ set def [.motif_avertz]

  2. Copy the Motif sample file.

    For OpenVMS VAX systems:

    $ copy cd:[vmsvax.samples]vms_avertz.exe [] <>

    For OpenVMS Alpha systems:

    $ copy cd:[vmsalpha.samples]vms_avertz.exe [] <>

  3. Decompress the executable and restore the saveset:

    $ run vms_avertz.exe
    [Return] accept the default output filename
    $ backup/restore vms_avertz.sav/save *.*/log

  4. Copy the Motif resource file to your home directory:

    $ copy m_avertz.dat  sys$login:m_avertz.dat

Table A-2 lists the files that are added to your desktop system.

6.3.2 Verifying the Motif Sample Installation on OpenVMS

Compile, link, and run the source code for the sample client program to verify your capability to build applications.

To build the sample application, follow these steps:

  1. If you have MMS, use the MMS makefile provided to build the m_avertz sample application. In the sample directory, run MMS using the following command:

    $ MMS

    If you download TP Desktop Connector libraries to a different location, edit the makefile to indicate the new location of the libraries.


    On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the makefile expects the logical ACMSDI$VMS_ALPHA to point to the directory that contains the TP Desktop Connector client library. In addition, on OpenVMS Alpha systems, the first time that the makefile tries to create the DECwindows library, the makefile fails. When this happens, rerun MMS to continue the build.<>

    If you do not have MMS, use the makefile as a guide to build the application yourself.
  2. Run the application by entering the following command:

    > run m_avertz/nodebug

The m_avertz application displays the menu bar of the AVERTZ Car Reservation System. If you want the sample desktop client program to communicate with the ACMS application, follow the procedures in Section 6.3.3 to set up the sample application on the ACMS system. After you set up the ACMS system, use the Session menu to sign in to the ACMS system. After you sign in, you can use the Rental menu to run the reserve task of the AVERTZ application.

The installation procedure is now complete and verified.

6.3.3 Setting Up the Avertz ACMS Sample Application on an OpenVMS System

The command procedure VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM sets up the sample application. You need SYSPRV privilege to run the procedure. See the file ACMSDI$VR_APPLICATION_INFO.TXT in the ACMSDI$EXAMPLES_AVERTZ directory for more information on setting up the sample.

To prepare the AVERTZ sample application on a Compaq OpenVMS system, do the following:

  1. Run the command procedure to set up the application:


  2. Start the ACMS system (if necessary) and the application:


  3. Perform other management tasks related to your system, for example, authorizing user accounts. Refer to the management information in Compaq TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide.

The following sections provide additional information about using the Avertz sample application on the ACMS OpenVMS system. Using the Avertz ACMS Sample with Rdb Version 6.0 with Multi-Version

When you execute the VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM file to set up the sample application, this command file invokes two option files, VR_READ_SERVER.OPT and VR_UPDATE_SERVER.OPT, which reference the SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER library. On a system with Rdb Version 6.0 with multi-version installed, the SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER file is not available. Instead, the version number is appended to the file name, for instance, SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$USER60.

To work around this naming mismatch problem, you can define the logical name SQL$USER to reference the appropriate library file. For example:


Modify the linker options files:

Replace the line


with the following:

SYS$USER/LIBRARY Building the Avertz ACMS Sample with DECforms V1.4

The VR_FORM.IFDL file of the Avertz ACMS sample application can not be compiled under DECforms Version 1.4. This is because the DECforms Version 1.4 IFDL parser no longer recognizes the colon symbol (:), which the VR_FORM.IFDL file uses.

To get around this problem, put double quotation marks around the text containing the ":" symbol in the VR_FORM.IFDL file.

For example, change the following:

            AVERTZ_CDD_FIELD:CUSTOMER_ID from Dictionary 
       End Copy 

To look like:

            "AVERTZ_CDD_FIELD:CUSTOMER_ID" from Dictionary 
       End Copy User Name Quotas for the Avertz ACMS Sample

The VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM command file assigns quotas for the AVERTZ_EXC, AVERTZ_UPD, and AVERTZ_READ user names that are adequate for running the VR_DA_APPL sample application. If your system already has these user names defined, the quotas for these user names might be inadequate for VR_DA_APPL. If you are using the AVERTZ sample application, delete AVERTZ_EXC, AVERTZ_UPD, and AVERTZ_READ user names before running VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM to ensure that you get appropriate quotas for these user names.

To ensure the success of the operations in the VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM command procedure, run it from the system account. Access Control List for the Avertz ACMS Sample

The VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM procedure adds the AVERTZ application name VR_DA_APPL to the ACMS database. The command line to do so includes the ACL qualifier and assigns the ID as /ID=SYSTEM. This might fail on your system.

To ensure that the VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM procedure works, change the ID=SYSTEM to ID=[UIC], where UIC is that of the account SYSTEM; for example, ID=[1,4]. Rebuilding the Avertz ACMS Sample

Executables are provided for the sample. You do not need to rebuild the sample to run it. However, a DEC/MMS description file is provided for rebuilding the sample to incorporate any changes you make to the sample.

To modify and rebuild the sample, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the sample sources to another directory.
  2. Use the command procedure VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM to rebuild the sample under a different ADB name in that directory:
    1. Create the CDD directories for the AVERTZ components.
    2. Define logical names.
      If you are using a directory other than ACMSDI$EXAMPLES_AVERTZ for rebuilding the sample, edit the logical name definitions in the VR_DA_BLD_LOGICALS.COM command procedure to point to your file and CDD directories. Make these edits before running the BLD portion of the VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM command procedure.
    3. Perform other setup and build activities.
  3. Run the command procedure VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM without parameters:


    All the setup and build activities are performed.

To perform a specific activity, specify one of the parameters in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM Parameters
Keyword Activity
BLD Run MMS to build VR_DA_APPL
CDD Set up the CDD dictionary and directories for VR_DA_APPL
DB Create the VEHICLE_RENTALS database

6.4 Installing the Tru64 UNIX Client Software

The TP Desktop Connector client services and sample application files are distributed on the Software Products Library CD and on the TPware Product Suite CD. If you are installing the software from the TPware Product Suite CD (see Section 6.1), you have archive (tar(1)) files that you install on a Tru64 UNIX desktop system. Perform the following steps.

  1. Create the client services directory on the desktop system, and change to that directory. For example:

    > mkdir acmsdi
    > cd acmsdi

  2. Copy the archive file from the TPware CD to the client services directory. For example:

    > cp e:/dunix/du_client.tar .

If you install the client files from the Software Products Library CD (see Section, change directory to the location of the tar files that you placed on the Tru64 UNIX system.

The du_client.tar archive file contains the client files. Perform the following steps.

  1. Extract the files from the archive. For example:

    acmsdi> tar xvf du_client.tar

    The list of files printed because of the v flag should match the list of files in Table A-10.

  2. If you want to use the DECnet transport, change the client library. For example:

    > su
    # ar d libacmsdi.a net_tcpip.o
    # ar r libacmsdi.a net_decnet.o
    # ar t libacmsdi.a
    # ar qs libacmsdi.a

    Also edit the Makefile to add -ldnet to the link library list.

  3. You can copy the client services library to /usr/lib/libacmsdi.a, so that you can refer to it in your link command as '-lacmsdi'. You need superuser privileges to copy into the /usr/lib directory.
    Copy the TP Desktop Connector client library to the system directory:

    # cp libacmsdi.a /usr/lib/libacmsdi.a

    You can leave the TP Desktop Connector library in the client services directory. If you do, use the full path to the library in your link command, instead of using the '-lacmsdi' option.

  4. Update the copied library file:

    # ar qs /usr/lib/libacmsdi.a

  5. Exit superuser mode:

    # [Ctrl/D]

See Section 6.4.1 for instructions on installing sample files.

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