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Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS
Alpha and VAX Systems
Reference Manual

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QUAD data type #1
QUAD data type #2
    BASIC command
    /DEBUG #1
    /DEBUG #2
    /LINES #1
    /LINES #2
    /LINES #3
    /LINES #4
    /LINES #5
    /SHOW #1
    /SHOW #2
    /VARIANT #1
    /VARIANT #2
QUO$ function
    rounding and truncation values
Quotation marks
    in string literals
R formatting character
    in PRINT USING statement
RAB status
RAD$ function
    in explicit literal notation
Random numbers #1
Random numbers #2
RANDOMIZE statement
    See also RND statement
    of data types
    of subscripts
RCTRLC function
    See also CTRLC function
RCTRLO function
READ statement
    See also DATA statement
    with DATA statement #1
    with DATA statement #2
REAL data type
REAL function
/REAL_SIZE qualifier
Record attributes
    MAP clause
    RECORDSIZE clause #1
    RECORDSIZE clause #2
    RECORDTYPE clause
Record buffer
    DATA pointers
    MAP DYNAMIC pointers #1
    MAP DYNAMIC pointers #2
    moving data
    REMAP pointers #1
    REMAP pointers #2
    setting size
RECORD clause #1
RECORD clause #2
RECORD clause #3
RECORD clause #4
Record File Address #1
Record File Address #2
Record File Address #3
Record File Address #4
RECORD items
    accessing #1
    accessing #2
Record Management Services
    See RMS
Record pointers
    after FIND statement #1
    after FIND statement #2
    after GET statement #1
    after GET statement #2
    after PUT statement
    after UPDATE statement
    REMAP statement
    RESTORE statement
    WINDOWSIZE clause
RECORD statement
RECORD structures
    components of
    deleting with DELETE statement
    deleting with SCRATCH statement
    finding RFA of #1
    finding RFA of #2
    locating by KEY #1
    locating by KEY #2
    locating by KEY #3
    locating by RECORD number
    locating by RFA #1
    locating by RFA #2
    locating by RFA #3
    locating by RFA #4
    locating randomly
    locating sequentially #1
    locating sequentially #2
    locating sequentially #3
    locating sequentially #4
    locating sequentially #5
    locating with FIND statement
    locating with GET statement
    locking #1
    locking #2
    locking #3
    locking #4
    locking with GET statement #1
    locking with GET statement #2
    processing #1
    processing #2
    retrieving by KEY #1
    retrieving by KEY #2
    retrieving by RECORD number
    retrieving by RFA #1
    retrieving by RFA #2
    retrieving randomly
    retrieving sequentially #1
    retrieving sequentially #2
    retrieving with GET statement
    size of
    unlocking #1
    unlocking #2
    unlocking #3
    unlocking #4
    unlocking #5
    unlocking with UNLOCK statement
    writing by RECORD number
    writing sequentially
    writing with PRINT statement
    writing with PUT statement
    writing with UPDATE statement
RECORDSIZE clause #1
RECORDSIZE clause #2
RECORDSIZE clause #3
RECOUNT function
    after GET statement
    after INPUT LINE statement
    after INPUT statement
    after LINPUT statement
    in DEF functions
    in DEF* functions
    in error handlers
    in subprograms
Redimensioning arrays
    with executable DIM statement
    with FIND statement
    with GET statement
Relational expressions
    compared with logical #1
    compared with logical #2
    definition of
    format of
    in SELECT statement #1
    in SELECT statement #2
    truth tests #1
    truth tests #2
Relational operators
Relative files
    BUCKETSIZE clause
    deleting records in
    finding records in
    record size in
    retrieving records sequentially in
    writing records to
REM statement #1
REM statement #2
    multiline format #1
    multiline format #2
    terminating #1
    terminating #2
    transferring control to
REMAP statement
    FILL item formats and storage
    with MAP DYNAMIC statement
RENAME command
REPLACE command
    with RENAME command
%REPORT directive
Reserved words
RESET statement
    See also RESTORE statement
RESTORE statement
Result data types
    for DECIMAL data
    mixed-mode expressions
RESUME statement
    END statement
    ERL function
    ERN$ function
    ERR function
    INPUT LINE statement
    INPUT statement
    LINPUT statement
RETRY statement
    with FOR...NEXT loops
    with FOR...UNTIL loops
    with FOR...WHILE loops
RETURN statement
RFA clause #1
RFA clause #2
RFA data type
    allowable operations
    storage of
RIGHT$ function
    See also SEG$ function
    PRINT USING statement
    with RSET statement
RMS (Record Management Services)
    accessing records
    deleting records
    locating records
    opening files
    replacing records
RMSSTATUS function
RND function
    See also RANDOMIZE statement
/ROUND qualifier
RSET statement
RUN command
RUNNH command
    See also RUN command

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